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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

Well Said, Ray Rice


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You can't say it any better...and damn I admire Ray.


Posted Monday, 8:05 p.m.: “This is going to be a long post - I don't really know where to start. I am trying to sift through hundreds of emails and messages about what happened at Perry Hall High School today. I am speechless and pretty much moved to tears. How is it that there is such a lack of SIMPLE HUMAN DECENCY AND KINDNESS toward one another? How does bullying reach THIS level?? Some people might think that bullying is only between two people and bystanders are not affected. Well that is crap! EVERYONE is affected. I am affected, YOU are affected. TWO lives have been hurt now...the shooter and the victim. RIDICULOUS! I can't possibly yell it loud enough or say it often enough - BE KIND TO EACH OTHER! It's EASY, it takes LESS ENERGY than being mean, it's FREE, and it's even a way to make YOURSELF feel better. BE KIND, BE KIND, BE KIND!!!! My saying is: YOU CAN BE A HERO TO SOMEONE WHO IS BEING BULLIED JUST BY BEING THEIR FRIEND!!! What if this kid had a friend to talk to??? The outcome may have been SO different. God Bless EVERYONE involved in this. While my foundation team prepares for another Pro Kindness Rally this fall, all I can do in the meantime is pray for everyone to stay safe, and BE KIND. BE the difference for someone!!!!”


Posted Tuesday, 6:37 a.m.: “Students...today when you go to school...Sit with someone who is alone at the lunch table, befriend the new kid in class, lend a helping hand, make it a point to be kind, and if you see something that is not quite right, say something!! You can be a HERO to someone, just by being their FRIEND!”


Posted Tuesday, 7:47 a.m.: “Not related to Perry Hall directly and not advocating for or defending bullies, but when a kid shoots another kid, something is really, really wrong. Bullying or not, how does nobody notice that something is going wrong in the kid's life? How do people stand by and do nothing? We need to start saying "what's wrong?" and do something about it before tragedy strikes! I can't help but wonder if someone was kind to these kids if their paths would have shifted long ago and tragedies would be averted. Just makes me think...and wonder...and hope for better things.”


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