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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. Oops.
  2. Batman, Robin and the Joker.
  3. I just called Palmer's INT. lol.
  4. Definitely pullingi for the Texans. They always play Indy hard and find some way to lose in the second half. EVERY TIME.
  5. Too bad they don't play defense! lol.
  6. lol.
  7. And Cowher is still a turd.
  8. I'm sorry, but this batman and robin stuff is stupid.
  9. Good morning!
  10. OMG, max. I can always count on you for photo commentary. lol.
  11. OK. I made my pick. For all the good it's going to do me. Hahaha.
  12. Which board? I went to BengalsZone and they are pretty sensible for the most part.
  13. Thought it was just me.
  14. Good grief.
  15. Pretty much!
  16. I'm glad Harbaugh chewed him out, but this is the type of foolishness we'll be seeing in the regular season. Ugh.
  17. That wasn't really necessary, Ellerbe.
  18. lol.
  19. Ugh. This has been unattractive so far.
  20. I'm in. I have no idea which game to pick, let alone the winner. LOL!
  21. Got tickets for tonight's game. Anyone want them? Otherwise, I'm giving them back.
  22. Yes. He went to Baltimore Friends School. Here's more about him and other Baltimore natives at the Emmys: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/zontv/2010/08/emmy_telecast_baltimore_has_a.html
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