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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. The full possible nightmare can be read here: https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bs-sp-ravens-antonio-brown-lamar-jackson-20220124-gfsnwt7rb5fb5arjybxn5o476m-story.html
  2. To be fair, cats are assholes.
  3. lol. I change the channel. Did they lose yet?
  4. Opportunities squandered. Unreal. Typical, but unreal.
  5. Here come the heart attack Ravens to break our hearts.
  6. This is crazy.
  7. lol. We'll find out one way or another.
  8. Sure sounds like the stadium is full of Stealer fans.
  9. Even those. The return to the 50.
  10. Gee whiz.
  11. That was embarrassing. Thank goodness they called a face mask penalty. Still embarrassing.
  12. deeshopper


    Only you could find this stuff, Max.
  13. lol.
  14. Welp, answers that question!
  15. What in the world was that?
  16. Ugh.
  17. INT!
  18. Good stop there on fourth down. Are the Chargers that desperate already?
  19. Haven't watched in a long time. Seems to be way more commercials than I remember.
  20. Of course I start watching and they fumble. LOL.
  21. Gee whiz. I think Max is about the only Ravens fan in this thread? We're rooting for losses now?
  22. Bench? Fumble?
  23. Also, I was totally prepared to go back further in your posts to find you chalk up a loss. Didn't have to go far.
  24. My facts are straight. You had them down for a loss. Months ago means nothing. After one game you had them down for a loss which negates any of your earlier predictions. Dems the facts.
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