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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. Ravens running back Ray Rice was arrested over the weekend after an alleged physical altercation with a woman at a casino in Atlantic City, according to his attorneys. Rice’s attorney Andrew Alperstein confirmed Rice was charged and released after what he described as allegations of a “very minor physical altercation” at Revel Casino on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Alperstein said a woman he identified as Rice’s fiancée was also charged and released in connection with the incident. Rice, 27, was released on his own recognizance, Alperstein said. Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/ravens-insider/bal-ravens-running-back-ray-rice-arrested-after-incident-in-atlantic-city-20140216,0,132362.story#ixzz2tXJDl2fo
  2. I'm playing the game, and I can't get out of Clementine's house. The game lags terribly during the babysitter zombie attack. I'm dead every time. Frustrating.
  3. You're awesome. I went ahead and bought it as it included the DLC. I'm hoping its not too gory. I scare easily. LOL.
  4. I'd love to borrow it. I was gonna buy it at Best Buy today.
  5. I will never understand this. But, it's not my body so I don't care.
  6. That's great! I'll be sure to start selling rasta's information now! Update: Tried to sell it, but no one wanted it. Oh well.
  7. Is this it? https://www.telltalegames.com/walkingdead/ It's listed as a shooter game. It's not a first player shooter, is it? I like to see the character I'm controlling, like Assassin's Creed, Metal Gear Solid, or Splinter Cell.
  8. Have a great day!
  9. If they are or not, I certainly treat them the same.
  10. The Rick/Shane moment was definitely pivotal. I was so sick and tired of The Guvna. Ugh. Andrea was annoying. Dale was a good guy. Herschel hurt. I hope we get to see Morgan again. I remember thinking in season one, "Well, Rick sure ditched that walkie right quick." LOL. I'm glad Morgan called him on it.
  11. Who's your favorite character that died? I haven't read the comics.
  12. How's it going WhatColts?
  13. I binged watched the show about a week ago, and watched the new episode last night. I flipflop between wanting Carl dead and wanting Rick dead.
  14. lol.
  15. Have a great day.
  16. How do you take "PUFF PUFF pass" and turn it into "Only the Stealers players smoke mary jane and no other players do, especially not on the Ravens!"? Enlighten me.
  17. They tried this once with the players. I guess why not switch it up?
  18. Wide-mouth receivers.
  19. I'm left wondering what the quote from Rafiki is.
  20. Nice.
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