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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. How many penalties is that so far? Four or five?
  2. It's gonna be a long night. My bedtime is in 34 minutes.
  3. For shame.
  4. Damn, that's better than what I got it for. It was $35 for Xbox 360.
  5. She must wanna give you a PS4. Your birthday is around the corner.
  6. Let's go Ravens.
  7. Yeah. I'm sticking with 360 as well. I used to play Metal Gear Solid but it seemed like every new game was released with a new Playstation. I really wish they'd figure out a way (I'm sure they already could), get the newer games to play on the older systems. I can't justify buying a new system when AC is really the only franchise I play.
  8. lol. Let me know when you get it. I've honestly spent more time on the side missions. I've never done that before, usually waiting to do the side projects at the end. I don't even know where in the game I am in.
  9. You never know.
  10. Anyone playing this game? I got it on sale on Black Friday, which is the only reason why I have it. I'm really enjoying it. Apparently, you can invite your friends to be a part of your fleet.
  11. They might have a QB dilemma on their hands in the off-season. Always fun to watch the Washington fans tear themselves apart.
  12. Please let me know if you are ever in town. I need an electrician.
  13. Cool. Good luck with that.
  14. I agree with your assessment, but I screwed the pooch this year, so my opinion means diddly.
  15. The EU would have a field day.
  16. Listening to them talk about it now on ESPN Radio.
  17. Ranked 25 and 26, respectfully, I think it's a wash.
  18. Gross. He got up in there, too.
  19. Remember how proud and happy fans were to buy their quarterback wedding gifts? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/redskins-fans-buy-sorts-things-robert-griffin-iii-175838194.html
  20. It could be worse. We could be Potomac Drainage Basin Indigenous Persons fans. Robert Griffin III (I refuse to abbreviate that) has been benched. Kirk Cousins will start remaining games. With or without Shannarat next year, the Potomac Drainage Basin Indigenous Persons are in trouble.
  21. This is what the NFL has become. All that's needed now, are two flags for every player. Except the quarterback, who can't be touched at all.
  22. Tough break.
  23. Not true.
  24. Crav. You used a racial slur and a homophobic term. There's absolutely no excuse for it whatsoever. It's disgusting. You can not sit there and tell me that calling someone a coon is not a racial slur. You are not an idiot. You know damn well that it is, and you used that term because someone's username is includes the word "rasta", so you draw the conclusion that this person is black, and to insult this person you choose a hateful term. At least once a year you continue to shock me, but at this point, it really is my fault for being shocked since it really shouldn't. I'm disgusted.
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