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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. Aaaaaand, it starts.
  2. Yes.
  3. Ahahaha. Did you hear one of of the players chanting?
  4. No kidding! I hope the Ravens will still come out rocking and rolling.
  5. Nice Tucker.
  6. I didn't understand anything the ref said in regards to that challenge.
  7. Nice drive.
  8. Pass interference.
  9. Nice run by Rice.
  10. Ugh Doss.
  11. Go Ravens.
  12. They do. It's called a sinkhole.
  13. Who's your team?
  14. It actually shows where they will "used to be". Not sure how to type a past tense reference from a future perspective in the past.
  15. You still can. Just use the media tags: [media]URL[/media]
  16. Terrible end to an otherwise magnificent career. I shall not miss the lateral.
  17. You did something wrong. Works great for me.
  18. Go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aELcXyjpts#t=0 Copy the URL from your browser. Come back to this thread and create a new reply. Paste in the URL you copied from your browser. Make sure http:// is in front of the URL. Hit post. Enjoy.
  19. There is no YouTube button. You need the YouTube URL of the video.
  20. You don't need that function. Just post the YouTube video URL (including the http://) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aELcXyjpts
  21. Upgrade is complete. No way to upgrade crav.
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