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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. Already covered. You'll need to reread and comprehend on your own. I can't do that for you. No, that's me telling you that despite the calls by multiple people to have you banned, that I have not. I am usually the last advocate for everyone here. When I get tired of having to defend you, then I start listening to the masses, and the options will be few. That's not a threat. That's the truth of the situation. I'm sorry you took this as a threat. I didn't realize that you were this sensitive. When you start comparing me to the people that you have compared me to, yes, that is vile behavior. You have not offended me, despite your best effort. I really don't know you, despite your insistence to the contrary, which I find interesting. But, it's been about ten years since I actively posted on ESPN. The argument of free speech here is an interesting one, as the first amendment doesn't just protect free speech, but also the separation between church and state. As such, it would be illegal for the District of Columbia to sponsor a "religious gathering for MLK !!!" Ergo, the event, as dc has already pointed out to you twice, is not a religious gathering. Therefore, the District of Columbia, is well within their rights to discern who should be and should not be a featured artist at an event for its citizens. Additionally, the first amendment applies the law to commerical speech differently. Furthermore, states (not sure if this applies to the District of Columbia, as it is not a state) are allowed to extend the protection of freedom of speech as they see fit, unless otherwise challenged in the court of law. Finally, free speech does not protect obscentiy. To that end, a community (not national or personal) standard is used to determine if a statement is obscene. To tie all of this together, the District of Columbia, serving in the capacity to represent its citizens and the members of its community, decided that based on the statements made by the minister, while exercising his first amendment right, determined that the comments were obscene to its community, and therefore exercised its first amendment right to not allow the minister to be featured as a headliner. Like dc, I have to go to work now.
  2. You're an extremely paranoid and vile person. You can't assume sarcasm, and then feign offense to so-called threats. That's the paranoid bit. Please point me in the direction of my threat. Furthermore, if you should ever dare compare me to that person again, you and I will have some serious words. That's the vile bit. I suppose that's a threat. The subject? I believe that is you whining. Now, free Tracy Turnblad.
  3. Did anyone watch this? I was disappointed.
  4. Perhaps you are the one that needs to remove something from your body, read more than one thread, and lighten the hell up. Perhaps then, you would have understood the reference. I'm sorry you can't keep up. You'll really be out of options when I start to get tired of you. Please, help me understand, I's be too po' and dum to understand what da man is try'n say. He done down vote ma lil post. Lordamercy! Imma go back to the cotton field now. OK wit you? I's sing a hymn too.
  5. Meanwhile, ESPN just fired Hugh Douglas for calling Michael Smith an uncle Tom. They are both black. Meanwhile again, I may just merge all of these threads so OldSchool and Geronimo can go back and forth on the state of race relations in the United States. I'm confident that together they can solve the problem, if they can agree that one exists.
  6. Interesting. I didn't even notice, but you're right. A weekend game would've been nice for the crappy games that are the preseason.
  7. Dan is white. I can vouch for that. If he has change ethnicity since 2010, then I don't know about it.
  8. Like I said, just the black folk. I'll try not to step out of line and disobey the Gospel of You.
  9. Right, the hoopla about EPSN the Magazine cover with Jeremy Lin didn't exist. Or, the lyric in Michael Jackson's song They Don't Really Care About Us didn't cause any commotion. It's just black people making a fuss. Got it.
  10. huh?
  11. BaZING!
  12. That's Gumbel to Gumbel to you!
  13. BG? You mean, WWBCD?
  14. ok.
  15. Where? In the African continent? No worries. White males and females remain the majority in the United States. http://www.census.gov/population/www/cen2010/briefs/tables/tab05.pdf
  16. Stop before Ken comes and posts about Kyle Boller.
  17. That was very nice. Nice pass too.
  18. Oh dear. Now there's a nightmare. Stoney Case.
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