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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by deeshopper

  1. But if he called you a mewling quim, you'd have to give him points for creativity.
  2. Curse words, in general, are both cheap and lazy. The English language is a wonderful thing and there are so many ways to express one's opinion without resulting to using words that are hate-based words. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. How, when, and why you use the word is your business.
  3. Because it is a cheap, disrespectful, hateful word no matter how people use it.
  4. I'm just telling you what a player who called into the show said. I personally don't like the word said by anyone. But, lets say players find it acceptable to use the word in a social setting. Right or wrong. How he used it, was with malice in his heart (correct usage ).
  5. I've been listening to ESPN all day. Apparently, players of all races call each other that word in the locker room, according to one player that called in to Colin Cowherd this morning. I've also heard some many years ago that a number of dirty things are said at the bottom of piles during the game.
  6. OK, I'll be sure to pack my rainboots.
  7. My mom is coming along.
  8. Have a great day! I'll be bringing some Ravens swag for you next month!
  9. Good work, team! ExtremeRavens. Cracking codes since 2005!
  10. Ha! You're right. The checked off paragraph reads: In the judgement of the Club, your skill or/of performance has been unsatisfactory or [word] with the staff [word] players professional? for [word] to the Club's [word].
  11. OK. Here is what I've deciphered: In the Club's opinion, you are anticipated to make less of a contribution to the Club's ability to [word] on the playing field that [word] [word] [word] [word] the Club intends [can't make out the rest].
  12. Second line: ......ability to (something) on the playing field that (something........) the Club
  13. In the Club's opinion, you are anticipated to....
  14. Oh dear! Ugh.
  15. Through a sea of alcohol...
  16. Please post *some* of the article and not just a link. The reason being that the content generated here, is automatically shared elsewhere. No sense in having someone click twice on something to get the content. It's frustrating for our users. The first three paragraphs and a link to the rest of the story is acceptable. Thanks!
  17. The big 3-0. Have a great day. Maybe Crav will give you some puppies, like in the old days. Did I just say that?
  18. How old do you have to be to fly alone? Please don't say 13 'cause I'm pretty sure he was 5 when we first met. Deez nuts.
  19. I keep forgetting about this. I will release the league information this Saturday. I'll setup a scheduled post so I won't forget.
  20. Double-tap a word and then drag the start and end points. http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-cut-copy-and-paste-on-your-iphone-4s.html
  21. Please post some of the article and not just a link.
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