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Posts posted by geo

  1. Max that emoticon was perfect for the article. ThAts exactly how i feel thinkibg about frank walker starting for us. We should add a clause to his contract that every yard of pass interference is $1000 out of his pay. It would save us $50,000 a game


    Just saw the latest steelers game, and was thinking $5000 per penalty.. and then we add those PI yards, we would save Steve a lot.


    First half did not hurt us much, Rice he played great, but he had a fumble who killed us for a while, Cousins hurts and Flacco is always in danger, Carr PI.. still he played pretty good in that match. And obviously Frank the tank and the coaches for a vital not called time out, and we gave up seven!


    Second half was absurd and heartbreaking, we dominated and did so much wrong. Ravens interception for a TD except, Suggs block in the back, and then the zebras, PI against Heap missed for TD, we only got away with a FG. Ngata stupid stupid personal fault. Next offensive drive McGahee for TD, except Kelley Washington for stupid holding. Mason easy TD oh drop and then Cousins for 15 yards penalty, not even a FG. Mason dropped pass. And the game ended with a Frank PI (at least that was what the zebras was thinking) instead of a Zibby pick for a possible FG drive.


    Flacco played like Joe Cool, next time he just need 21 players and some coaches, we were the better team that day, except we kept on killing hmm the ravens.

  2. Have we seen a medical diagnosis on this. To me it is just an excuse to cover from the fall to running his car into the building. Also two days ago is the first I have ever seen Narcolepsy and sleep walking being joined.


    Not sure if this is enough?


    Bisciotti said he heard about the incident on Friday, and then had a meeting about the Ravens’ roster with General Manager Ozzie Newsome on Saturday. He also noted that Texas Head Coach Mack Brown recently revealed that Kindle was taking drugs for narcolepsy.


    And when our owner thinks Kindles has a brigth future, it should end the debat for now.

  3. Narcolepsy sounds like an excuse. I don't believe it.


    Not really an excuse, the opposite if anything, he should be even more carefull how to sleep, eat and drink properly and so on. And that was likely not the case, something is not perfect with the kid.. the car thing and what more.. and now flying down the stairs in the middle of the nigth.

  4. Oh yes. Hurting him self seriously like that, Yes a carelees person, I would say for now, sure I am not aware of the circumstances and the actual stair.


    I know something about stairs and slipping, and I bet I have used them more than Kindle, Working as a postman and rushing up and down.. sometimes too fast and too tired, and too stupid, and careless, and then slipping, for me it was never the head even though it was close a couple of times, only hurt feelings, knees and fingers, once back, never no way near of two flights of stairs..


    Btw he is not an epileptic?


    Try narcolepsy..


    From Aaron Wilsons twitter; Mack Brown has been in touch w/ Sergio Kindle's family. Says SK will be fine but says "narcolepsy" might have caused fall down on stairs....

  5. That is better.


    Think we talked this up before.


    Clayton isn't going anywhere. I only hope they give him a chance to return punts or KOs.


    Marcus Smith was turning into a ST ace before he got hurt.


    That is what you are going to have to do make this team, play ST.


    Only possible way Clayton is not here, a trade at least a third round pick or an injury, most likely he will be here. As for Marcus I hope so and he needs to beat DW and Reed. Harper PS.


    Riley and Anthony this is simply not the year for undrafted players. And Price is already gone.

  6. AM practice will be over 11ish....We'll be under the tent around mid field..Im leaving at 6am to drive over, hopefully Ill bet there by 7:30, Im going to try a new route to westminster.


    Great! And when will there be a report to me.. from the other side of the sea.


    Btw will Dee, RM and dc be there too?


    Anyway i expect to find the best Ravens reports of the camp here on this site as usual!

  7. So no one else has slipped on the stairs before? This makes you a criminal, and a careless person? WTF are you guys smoking? Thank god he just hit his head and didnt blow out an ACL


    Oh yes. Hurting him self seriously like that, Yes a carelees person, I would say for now, sure I am not aware of the circumstances and the actual stair.


    I know something about stairs and slipping, and I bet I have used them more than Kindle, Working as a postman and rushing up and down.. sometimes too fast and too tired, and too stupid, and careless, and then slipping, for me it was never the head even though it was close a couple of times, only hurt feelings, knees and fingers, once back, never no way near of two flights of stairs..


    Btw he is not an epileptic?

  8. Wow, wtf carelessness and stupidity. Even if it is tempting to speculate in drinks or drugs, I pass for now.


    Max, dissapointed! Why none of your typical Belushi photos? When you post what Kindles father had to say.. and a bottle of Johnny Walker!!!

  9. Well honestly it really doesn't matter to me how we find out about the players unhappiness with his current contract, that's irrelevant to me. Like them or not holdouts and comments in the press are all part of the game now. Now if these were real contracts meant to be honored then I would be bothered by them, but they are not. With the rules in place I have no problem with a player 'spouting off' to the press or other irrelevant people.


    My entire issue is with fans bitching that a player should honor his contract when they don't do the same when teams do not. I think its unfair and hypocritical but I also know after a similar debate the last few years that I am pretty much alone in this opinion here so I guess I should have known better than to chime in again.


    Agreed, it is not always pretty, and when is that happening? Typical when a player are not living up to expectations, underperforming, IR or consideration to the cap. Then Ravens take a paycut like Heap and Rolle or they cut a player like C-Mac or Yamon Figurs, or when they cut a newly drafted player like Davon Drew. Few of those players had their fans when they needed it the most. Fans and teams seems to have the same agenda and fairness is not what matters.


    Btw if Ravens had cut Landry last year and resigned Leonhard.. the typical fan would agree.

  10. Crav, what is it? If you are a former NFL QB and you are average or not very good, you are going to be a bad QB-coach? How do you come to that conclusion? What about all these QB-coaches without NFL experience who later becomes QB-coaches? Is that better?


    I have never been a fan of Matt Hasselbeck (or Charlie Batch who had his only decent years together with Zorn), when Zorn was their QB-coach they did a nice job!


    Hasselbecks reciever group was never that great, he did have Alexander, still Hasselback did produce good numbers in 2007 with a group of reciever and RBs who was worse than we got now. Btw a Hasselbeck/Alexander offense and now a Flacco/Rice offense. I buy that!


    We are going to make some decisions, with Bulger, Beck and Troy. Bulger have probably some credit from our old Rams coaches, Beck some credit from Cam, and Troy some credit from the FO.. they did draft him. Zorn should be without any favourite, not bad.. And maybe Zorn will give our Offense


    Another thing, Randle El recently commented that Zorn as Skins HC, never got the same opportunities as Gibbs did, and when they have an owner like Snyder, I buy that statement!


    And a last thing, Cams offense is great no doubt, still in POs I have this sense of Marty ball, just maybe Zorn and Saunders is the people who can help him to finish the job.

  11. This dont mean squat. This seems skewed towards the over the hill (30 yr) guys. I wonder how we stack up using the mean age of team. I suspect we are "middle of the pack".


    I think you are rigth, and when we cut, I believe we will be just there.


    We have only 11-12 rookies when other teams have like 20-22 at this time.. a number we normally have. And we do have a record of 30 RFA/EFAs, Players like Cundiff, Beck, Clayton, Koch, Chester, and Dwill is older than the average, and hard to consider those people as old.


    Btw drafting a mormon each year, (who spends two year to a non football related mission) like Hale, Kruger and Pitta is not helping the case.. Pitta is 25!

  12. Mark Clayton's a disappointment IMO.


    I give another....since he got his new contract... Suggs has been at least a disappointment. Another se43ason like last year and he's a bust for the money that he getys paid. I will say...Brady Quins premeditated cheap shot on Suggs knee affected his play for the rest of the year. It would be real sweet if Quin's the starter Week 5....Suggs might kill him.


    Agreed we need more from Suggs.


    Well at least Suggs seems to step up in the big games, like in both Pats games, and after a big play from Suggs the character of the game changed. The first game when we were basically out of the game, but Suggs (+ Dwan)play made it close, the attitude of the Ravens did change after that play.. OH dear Clayton.


    In the PO, just after Rices insane TD, Suggs with maybe the games most important play, we needed Brady stopped early, and game over when the RBs and DBs did their job.

  13. I got this impression that once again (post Billick era)there was a non-existing communication with a injured player/or who was not participating the OTAs.. like C-mac, Stover, Ray, Pryce, Suggs, Heap, Gaither... And 17 pro bowlers can be all nice and it can go terrible wrong with chemistry... I wonder what fatson preston is thinking.

  14. Steelers that don't get to come back.


    Willie Parker

    Najeh Davenport

    Bryant McFadden

    Alan Faneca

    Clark Haggans

    Joey Porter

    Antwaan Randle El

    Kimo von Oelhoffen

    Plaxico Burress

    Kendrell Bell

    Amos Zereoue

    Mark Bruener

    Josh Miller



    Also off the top of my head I recall Keven Greene being allowed to walk. Oh yeah that guy Rod Woodson too.


    You are funny I am telling you, they are back!


    Not sure what you criteria is, Josh Miller.. Zastudil would be a better ex., Kendrell Bell.. Weaver a better ex? Zereoue who (except for some few Ravens games)? Parker and Davenport.. why not Jamal and Priest, Bruener.. Jermaine Lewis.


    Some few former Ravens, (bold played last year in the NFL): Jermaine Lewis, Jamie Sharper, Kim Heering, Jeff Mitchell, Casey Rabach, Duane Starks, C-Mac, Brandon Stokley, Edwin Mulitalo, Jamal Lewis, Travis Taylor, Chris Redman, AD, Priest Holmes, Gary Baxter, Willie Demps, Anthony Weaver, Marques Douglas, Dave Zastudil, Edgerton Hartwell, Roderick Green, Devard Darling, Dwan Edwards, Chester Taylor, Kyle Boller, Musa Smith, Ovie Mughelli, Aubrayo Franklin, Tony Pashos, Adam Terry, JB, Derek Anderson, Kyle Boller, David Pittman (now Steelers), Quinn Sypniwski, Yamon Figurs, Bart Scott, Daniel Wilcox, LJ Smith, Jim Leonhard, Justin Bannan and just like other teams in this league several Others


    Oh and Sam Adams and Rod Woodson who later played in another SB, Shannon Sharpe, Trent Dilfer, Gary Stills, Mike Anderson, BJ Sams and Matt Stover.


    The fact is that at this present time the current Steelers have way more GT than the Ravens, and most of that Game time when they were Steelers. So no Steelers cut not ties with guys really that early.

  15. The Pats and the Steelers both cut ties with guys early. Most of the time it works out well for them. Lawyer Maloy being one of the big ones they let go of and it was startling but had no effect on the team.


    Not sure about the patriots, but the Steelers and the Ravens have been pretty identical and for the most part it has been very good with that kind of continuity, however in Billicks last year and Harbs now two years, we have been making a serious change to a much younger roster, in the same periode.. the steelers not so much.


    When did you last study the Steelers roster, they have 19-20 players who is + 30 and 8-12 of them would be starters, most of them have only been with the Steelers, some of them have been Ex steelers who they now have resigned.. Foote, mcfadden, Lefty and Randle El...


    We have 12 players who is + 30.. most of them is free agents, who we have signed the last 2-3 years, so who is those old Ravens you are talking about? Who we keep for ages..? Gregg, Heap and Reed neither of them is not actually very old.. except you migth make an argument like.. their bodies migth be older than the average NFL Player and then we have Ray. And except for those four and Birk and Mason, none of the others would be safe starters, not Pryce anno 2010, Ayanbadeyo, Harris, Stallworth, Bulger, Fischer.. and then the kicker Graham.


    Ravens made a serious rebuilding in the 2002 season (mostly Defense) and now in the 2007-2008 season (mostly offense). We have said goodbye to most of the starters and key backups.. And some of them was not that easy for most fans.. Like AD and JB (btw did you love those departures?).. and maybe if you ask some fans.. Mughelli, Mulitalo, Pashos, C-mac, Jamal, Stover, Leonhard and Scott... Even kelley washington and dare I say Boller and DvD.

  16. I'm hoping Kindle realises he is in one of the best situations he could have possibly found himself in through the draft. He should sign his slotted contract and realise that the Ravens will pay him if he proves his worth on the field.


    Only question is, do the Ravens give him a 5 year deal or ink him to the standard 3 year deal?


    We normally give our Second rounders 4 years, not 3. And Adam Terry might have been a fifth year contract? And I am not sure about the third rounds.

  17. Surprising, but think they know whats best.. with all of those old Rams coaches like Matsko, Montgomery and most important Saunders as late as OC in 2008.


    oh and 16 former or present probowlers, not even counting pro bowl alternates.. thats even more than the 2000s Ravens.

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