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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

DEA raids NFL teams after games


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Well they pulled some surprised inspections on teams in reference to drug use. SF,

TB, Seattle were visited by agents. Teams left on schedule.




Damn, our bye week couldn't come fast enough.



DEA spokesman Rusty Payne confirmed the existence of the investigation and said it was triggered by a class-action lawsuit filed in federal court in May by more than 1,300 retired NFL players. In the suit, they allege that NFL medical staffs regularly violate federal and state laws in plying their teams with powerful addictive narcotics such as Percocet and Percodan, sleeping pills such as Ambien and the non-addictive painkiller Toradol to help them play through injuries on game days.







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Yea, as far as being forced to play on injuries, it's always been that way. People used to get killed playing football. In fact, in 1907 over 17 players, 5 from Harvard died getting run over in games. Congress was even gonna out law the game because it was such a national disgrace until Teddy Roosevelt called the colleges in and said you're gonna have some rules and run plays and spread things out. They outlawed the flying wedge which was the main culprit in killing players. Goodell would have had a heart attack just watching those games. The forward pass was born and the NFL was born 18 years later.


But today guys will sit out with a busted toe. I played with a broken hand at my lowly level as a kid after my own RB ran over it after I wiped out the right side of the line. /Vince Lombardi's son was on TV talking about how he injured his knee trying out for his college team. It was just

before the big game and he needed to play to make the team. He told his dad he wasn't going to make the team.


So Vince brought the team doctor home with him who examined the knee and he said it was

fine, just sprained a litte. No broken bones or torn liagaments. Vince said you will run on that knee and you will make that team.


The son said I ran and gained 100 yds and made the team while the knee hurt like hell.

He was crying his eyes out.

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