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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. I This is what actually concerned me from the article the most. Basically they are just keying 2 guys in the pass game. That might be why Snead gets hot for a game and he goes off so big. They are ignoring the other receivers. That goes back to getting Duv and Porche on the field to make teams honest.
  2. An unnamed player tested positive.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/nfl-ravens-lamar-jackson-defenses-calling-out-ravens-plays-diminished-offense-215254439.html Eisen asked if Jackson was hearing defenses call out the plays and Jackson confirmed that was the case. Defenses have called out the deliberate play calling after games.
  4. With 9 opt oits on D they are devoid of talent.
  5. This should be done by halftime.
  6. Lateral across the field and clear sailing from there. Almost dropped the catch though. Very audacious.
  7. Well done on the adjustments.
  8. Should they have Bozeman play at center?
  9. Rivers is a turnover machine. The d should have more picks. He has time to throw it to the wrong team.
  10. papasmurfbell


    At least that orange tied can say he did get huge crowds now and be telling the truth. F van. I remember I think late 2017 after speech van said cheeto had finally bc presidential. He was dead wrong.
  11. Tags has no business even being discussed for the hall.
  12. No. So many of them are selfish, They have always been selfish. Their hard working and struggling parents gave them everything. Govt worked vry well and gave them prosperity. The only thng they had to fight for was going to vietnam, Once they toppled that threat they jettisoned all their allies and bc selfish pricks of the 70s and 80s.
  13. papasmurfbell


    Fuck your climate change now. Mitch leads the Senate so there will be no bill on that front coming out of there. Joe was a drag on the ballot. He is prob going to win but will get nothing done. The economy will go to hell in a handbag bc of Cheetos stupidity but guess who gets blamed when Mitch blocks the response. Joe and the dems.
  14. papasmurfbell


    The democratic party is wholly pathetic and useless. Even if Joe wins tonight he does not deserve any benefit of the doubt for any kind of governance. This election is a fucking layup and he is getting rolled by an incompetent. Once done the fight is on to get what the ppl need and fuck their elite puppet masters. #OperationNoHoneymoon
  15. I still think he is a hof talent. The rb position has changed and you can't look for the emmit Smith types anymore.
  16. The arguments I have read for Lamar remind me of cle fans after that game Jamal ripped them a new one. Take away the 2 runs and Jamal and Jamal only had 150 yds and over 5 ypc. Now I see if they take away Lamars turnovers he had a pretty decent game.
  17. papasmurfbell


    I found this interesting. Some I didnt know.
  18. Other than Murray I will agree the young guys arent doing great. But I never expected much from any of them other than Mayfield who is shooting himslef in the foot. To many times QBs are artificially pushed up to be drafted to early.
  19. God you have the memory of a goldfish. Is Ozzie gone? At least I dont sit around giving myself a self abrasion in a constant attempt to talk shit on someone in a vain attempt to show I have an ounce of knowledge.
  20. When I read your stuff I get why so many ppl think bmore fans are stupid.
  21. No they think like infantile jackasses like you do.
  22. By the way VA I posted your idea on FB and am getting killed for it. I am attacking back but the just keep doing what you are dong crowd hate your idea,
  23. No doubt Snead played well. But I also would make a change.
  24. That is a damned ingenious idea. Maybe just maybe we can get a sweetened pot with an extra pick.
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