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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. I look forward to reading how millennials don't honor the contracts they sign here......
  2. I'm not talking about bad.
  3. It's pretty amazing how big sports are in the US when so many fans look look upon the players with such disdain every time they do or say anything off the field where said fans cheer them wildly.
  4. So because things were screwed up years ago players shouldn't fight for what they think they deserve now? Cute. Please old man, give more advice to these young players that you have so much in common with. And scoff at the younger generations the previous ones did such a fantastic job of fucking over. Then again, I guess the players could get less so the ones that really deserve it - the owners - get more.....
  5. Any media outlet running stories about how good or bad Baltimore is in response to Trump's tweets is just chasing the narrative he wanted them too. It was not a good faith criticism of the city or Cummings. It was a (another) racist attack against a rival. That's the story and should remain the story. Pointing out the city's problems as a justification of his racist attack is just wrong IMO.
  6. The Sun editorial was great. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Mueller's testimony made him look bad then three days later Trump attacks a black congressman and criticizes his district. Sadly it's worked, even some decent people I know said things like "well he's got a point". Fuck that, just because a rascist attack might arguably have some truth, doesn't mean it's justified. Sanders comments weren't mean spirited to me.
  7. But how else could we keep the population uneducated and easily fooled? The fucking baby boomers got handed so much and have systematically taken it away from the generations that followed, all the while openly mocking them for not being as "great" as they "were".
  8. I don't disagree but I don't want the party to try to steer people to or away from a particular candidate to cater to misogynists or bigots. So in the primary I'll vote for whoever I like best and in the general I'll vote against Trump.
  9. I don't necessarily buy into reports of how electible some candidates are, it seems to me that usually is just spin towards or away from specific candidates. I'm going to vote for the one I think is best. I'll be comfortable doing that no matter the outcome. Right now I have a favorite and two others I like. No matter who it is I will vote for the Democrat nominee for the same reason. No matter who it is will be better than Trump.
  10. She's insane..... nowadays that is not necessarily a bad thing
  11. Nice move, he certainly belongs there.
  12. Spen


    I really liked it. Anybody that was bothered by the female escort for Captain Marvel at the end is probably a reason why they put stuff like that in. I mostly avoided spoilers so I was surprised at a number of things. Fantastic cold open. The entrance of the heroes returning at the end. Tony and Peter hugging. Brie's adorable smile at Peter. Lots of really cool stuff.
  13. I feel bad for him, he seems like a good guy.
  14. No matter who the QB was, I just don't see them returning to the SB after Jamal went down. Trent was a really good guy, but not a very good NFL QB. Seems like he is a fantastic person though.
  15. It really does seem like he is working hard and really wants to succeed. Unlike Papa who is content with failing over and over again.
  16. You want me to be violated with a broomstick? Dude, thats fucked up.
  17. And really I would describe my feelings as cautiously optimistic. I kind of think Lamar will do ok, but I don't know. I don't watch college football so I've only seen his games here. Up until the last game I do feel he was getting better each week. I'm not sure that poster can read anyway, he posts the same thing or close to it all the time.
  18. Go fuck yourself. Take Papa with you. Two fucking repetitive idiots.
  19. If they had any kind of proof of collusion than the NFL deserves to pay a huge price.
  20. A full off-season of practice at the QB position and hopefully a legit playmaking target should help. Hopefully at least. Some degree of patience is going to be needed too.
  21. Because he's an asshole.
  22. Playmakers on offense!?! That's just crazy talk!
  23. True to form. Predicting a coach won't be with his NFL team for the best five years is a pretty bold stance. You're so brave, Nostradumbass I have not, and am not, making any prediction about whether the contract will be fulfilled. I'm just stating I think it's a good deal.
  24. Nope, you're still not making sense you fucking loser.
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