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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. 17 yard punt didn't help
  2. Damn, he was open too. Only three Titans were around him
  3. Koch has better footwork than Joe
  4. At least he didn't kneel during or before the anthem. Also if we were truly patriotic, shouldn't they play the anthem before each quarter?
  5. That was pretty unbelievable. Especially after the effort Sunday.
  6. That fucking sucks. Blatant hit to head, hope Flacco is not as bad as he looked.
  7. I think the product on the field is about as good as it's ever been. There have always been good games and bad games each week. And injuries. I wouldn't listen to Max about anything besides boxing, maybe not even that anymore. But I really don't think any large amount of people are staying away because of the protests. I suspect the ratings will be comparable to other seasons when the year is over. The penalties may be a concern, especially the ones for player safety. I want to see a hard rough game but I don't want to see players getting terrible injuries frequently and I don't want the majority of players to have brain damage in 20 years. There are always going to be injuries, short term and long, but the league needs to do what it can to protect the players.
  8. If it's 3rd and 7 we throw a 4 yard pass. 3rd and 2 we throw a no gain pass. At least Joe didnt stare down his target like a rookie.......
  9. Nice start! And the uniforms look good!
  10. You're smarter than me. I'm out of town on vacation and watched it. Just imagine the Jaguars game and change the jerseys. Maybe not that bad, but close.
  11. Player-wise I cannot think of anyone beyond the kickers that jump out as players to keep. I'd get rid of all the coaching staff. I think he is a good guy and wish him well but to me Ozzie is the biggest problem of all.
  12. I think all three games have been sell outs and attended well. I was at two so perhaps I missed some angles where there were empty seats. I do expect empty seats Thursday. I don't care if people go or not. The games are supposed to be a fun entertaining thing, if they are not then don't go. And with the cost of NFL games I really understand it.
  13. Good effort on a sentence that makes sense.
  14. Throwing behind receivers seems to be Joe's thing today. That and two left feet.
  15. 3rd and 14 - time for a 4 yard pass
  16. Offense is the problem with this team. Special teams : hold my beer
  17. Exactly how I feel. The combination of not winning and usually not being very entertaining takes its toll. My favorite hockey team averages a goal a game and tries to win every game 1-0 so that's pretty pitiful to watch too.
  18. I worry about the future of the team with him. He started worrying me when he talked about the upgrades to the stadium that he will want done and paid for in a few years. He kind of stated he would rather sell the team and let new owners threaten to move the team instead of threatening that himself. His comments came across as a threat to me. Then the Ray Rice stuff.
  19. They need oline! Flacco neecs 12-15 seconds to read the defense before he gets rid of the ball. Sometimes to the middle of the field with time running down and no time outs.
  20. I agree man. The kneeling only bothers bigots and people uncomfortable with minority athletes standing up against systematic oppression. Fuck bigots.
  21. Yeah another new OC..... That'll fix the Flacco led offense.
  22. The safeties had bad games and made mistakes, no argument. Yeah I agree about Mallet being just a good backup. That's kind of how I feel about Joe now too though. I'm not sure he is an average starter any more. I do think it's time for a coaching change and front office change but I think the most glaring problem is an overall lack of talent on offense.
  23. Maybe someone else getting some snaps wouldn't be the worst thing. Joe is not very good anymore. He might not be the worst problem, but his play is a problem. He almost screwed up an easy 2 point conversion today.
  24. Bad oline, bad Wrs, and an inaccurate QB who takes forever to get rid of the equals a long season
  25. They didn't play well enough to win. The Bears tried to help, but decided not to.
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