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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. It was announced. And greeted angrily. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people upset at the protests during the anthem or really any protests that upset them any other time.
  2. I was wondering because the bulk of the people I heard complaining about the protests during the anthem were people who complained about the various marches and rallies over the last 6 months. Yesterday confirmed it. It's not about the protests during the anthem, at least not for most people, it's just about people protesting. I guess they should be more "grateful". https://twitter.com/adamcbest/status/914539721266794497
  3. Well I was at the game today and that reinforced my thoughts that the protesting during the anthem is not the problem to most people, it's the protesting itself. The players got cheered, the anthem got cheered, the quiet moment in between where the players knelf was lodly booed. And the stuff fans yelled! I never wanted to kneel during the anthem more. But I was a coward.
  4. You may be right but the people who don't know why are woefully and probably purposely ignorant. Also I'll probably be there tomorrow so if anyone wants pictures or autographs let me know.
  5. That's a good point. Why don't they protest at a time and place that you like better? Also, are you allowed to post here?
  6. Good luck with your battles Tornado! Also I am really sorry that some players protest for equality and against oppression is messing up enjoyment of watching a game on TV. Some people are really inconsiderate.
  7. I'm sorry you don't care what they are protesting. I'm sorry having millionaires standing is seemingly more important to you than someone protesting what they feel is oppression and cultural racism. At worst, as long as it's peaceful and non disruptive I could care less what the players or guy next to me does during the anthem. But I respect what Colin did and what the players did Sunday. And I respect their right. Even if I didn't, there is no way a peaceful protest is anywhere near as serious as a violent crime. Not even close. So shame on anyone who happily cheered for criminals but this is the last straw. Maybe if during the anthem Suggs would have threatened to pour bleach on his baby instead of kneeling none of this would have happened.
  8. Nothing more American then dissent. I'm sorry you don't truly respect the first amendment and I'm sorry you don't understand why they did it. I'm sorry players have personalities and opinions and don't just play freak'in football.
  9. Wait, is 28 yards passing bad?
  10. You poor delicate snowflake. Are you ok? Safe space nearby?
  11. Eh, plenty of places to point fingers. I can't think of any skill position on offense where the Ravens have a better than average player. Or even "unskilled" positions. I wouldn't be upset if he goes, but nothing in the first three games make me think that the main problem on the team is HC.
  12. Bortles is better than Joe
  13. The fact that it should have have been caught should not hide the fact that that was a terrible throw
  14. Average at best QB WR group of retreads and a bust No name group of RBs Suspect line Not a good recipe
  15. I bet James Loften could leave the booth and not be the worst WR on the Ravens
  16. Our offense is terrible.
  17. Too much fish and chips for the Ravens players
  18. Its no great feat always predicting a team will fail, one will usually be correct more often than not, especially with a mediocre mid market team. What's your goal though? Is your goal to get someone to say you were right? Does that really make you feel better about yourself? Or is it to stop others from being excited or having fun? Seriously wondering, not insulting you. At one point you confessed to being an assignment because someone was mean to you but that was years ago.
  19. He's a 32 year old runningback, he'll be healed in no time
  20. If I thought the team was going to be really good I might be less happy about this win. However I thought/think this is going to be a really average team so I am pleased and surprised by the win. Offense was not good though.
  21. Stay safe you bigoted old bastard!
  22. Games and seasons slowly being ended as other teams run down the clock.
  23. Bengals fans know a lot about other quarterbacks taking knees.
  24. Come on guys, let's keep it civil. Let's not be like a minority doing something outspoken.
  25. Wellington with a huge home in the bottom of the 9th, keeping things fun
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