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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. That makes sense, I had no idea he was set to make close to that.
  2. Early voting was really quick and easy today. So easy even Trump supporters could do it.
  3. Oh yeah, Worley (autocorrect didn't get me this time) wasn't good but at one point it didn't look like he would get three innings. Even if the move proves to be a good one, just wondering why a team this thin in starting pitching would drop him when they did.
  4. And who knows, if we hang around for a while maybe we make a move for a pitcher. I'm still unsure why they got rid of Gonzalez. He wasn't great but I would have thought he had a place on this team.
  5. That was a crazy game.! Hats off to Worry, he wasn't great but gave us 6 innings.
  6. Well that sucks
  7. Why can't all Orioles games be on one MASN station and all Nats games on the other?
  8. Lol, yep.
  9. I'm watched the second to last and am halfway through the finale and had enough for the night. We are supposed to think the group is incredibly stupid aren't we?
  10. *sigh* Maybe next year.....
  11. Things might have been different if Boston can catch a foul pop-up but they didn't.
  12. Fun start to the season.
  13. Wow, great 5th!
  14. Nice comeback. Loved seeing Rickard getting called out for a curtain call. 3-0!
  15. Nice win, great work from the bullpen!
  16. An opening day win is always sweet. Would have loved to see more of Tillman today.
  17. Lol Ive been away and have the last two episodes on my DVR. After reading about the last two, I'm in no real hurry. In fact tonight we watched "Better Call Saul" instead of trying to catch up to TWD.
  18. Have you been here for an extended time and used this system? If so what system do you think is better? I do not think any system is perfect, but politicians here cite long waiting times and other reasons as why we should not adopt a government system. That's silly, we could try to adopt and improve upon any system, we do not have to pretend any flaws in other systems are doomed to plague ours too. The Canadians I know usually say their wait times are exaggerated in stories here. Usually but not always. I know someone who was told to get a colonoscopy quickly and it took 5 months. Then again I know people who have waited for 6 months in this area to see a dermatologist.
  19. Let the record show I couldn't disagree more. A few thoughts. I do not think free college is feasible and I am not sure if it should even be a goal, but it should be affordable and in many cases nowadays I do not think it is affordable. I do think college should be more than job training yet I understand why people do not want to be forced to take classes that do not pertain to their major. I took every history class my college offered and its never helped me get a job, yet I do think it has had a positive effect on me as a person. On healthcare my thoughts have changed over time and completely feel that we should have socialized medicine. I have worked with a bunch of English born people and know a few Canadians and every single one of them prefers there country's system to ours. I myself have a moral problem with for profit healthcare. I think its a moral failing of our country that we do not have socialized medicine. Oh I wish! I could brighten so many people's day if I worked there.
  20. I saw it for free during work hours so I think my expectations were low and I still didn't think it was very good. I really liked Wonder Womans part (and parts) Sorry. Eisenberg was great. I read a review that said the movie just wasn't fun. Hard to say why but I agree.
  21. Saw Batman vs Superman today. I thought it was pretty average. Had a nice hour in it but the beginning and endings were really poorly paced.
  22. RIP Gary Shandling via @youtube
  23. Dammit you socialist bastards! I'm so grumpy!
  24. No, it's not to Mexico. Doesn't matter, a decent percentage of people get sick every cruise. I'm pretty picky about stuff and didn't see anything that struck me as dirty or unsanitary on the first cruise I went on. Lol, I even did a bedbug search as they were rampant at the time. *knocking on wood*
  25. I was doing a really good job (for me) of ignoring him. I even passed by a post where he said his company gave him 25k to retire. I believe that more than anything, I can see people ponying* up cash to keep him away. BTW - I am going on a cruise next week and starting a new job the following week. This proves the American economy is going strong! *first time I've ever typed that word.
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