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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. Yeah why don't we go ahead and start planning and construction before we see how it works out for the Cowboys. Gotta be proactive about these things. Speaking of Proactive, nothing cleans my skin and targets my trouble areas like Proactive! Proactive, if it's good enough for Sarah Michelle Gellar, it's good enough for you.
  2. It looks like we do have a brood of cicadas this year but it's not the big one. This year Brood V. The Great Eastern Brood, the big one, will be back in 2021. Something to look forward too!
  3. Your dates sound correct to me. I was in my current house when they were last here and l've been here a little more than 15 years. I haven't heard any talk of them yet by anyone else either.
  4. Good news everyone. Jesse Ventura is talking about running as an independent. So there will be two candidates who worked with the WWE at times. In an unrelated story Sanders is seeing if Stone Cold Steve Austin can show up at a rally and give him the stone cold stunner. And Hillary's medical staff is debating if she could survive a RKO. In other unrelated new Bill Clinton is trying to arrange a meeting with the Bella Twins.
  5. I am thinking that what happened in a certain milestone issue is still going to happen but it will not happen to the same person. Though I bet they make it look like it will. My dilemma is I really don't think this show is very good anymore but I don't want to stop watching it yet.
  6. Perhaps Rosita is distracting the walkers? Michonne with the super tight pants too, but they are actually practical. I have a feeling they are going to switch some things up in the finale.
  7. You can be a main character and still be bad at your job and annoying. In my opinion in both the comics and show he is often an impulsive and poor leader whose inadequacies get those around him killed.
  8. Do they have a preteen boy writing Abraham's dialogue? I didn't like this section of the books so I'm not looking forward to it so much. I know I'm in the minority.
  9. Geez, can you imagine....
  10. This is the fruit salad of our lives.
  11. Wow serious allegations. I surely expect them to prove it and have the league penalize the team.
  12. Strange. Well I guess he went with the franchise with the history of winning.
  13. Could they play as the Redcoats for the game they play there? They could have a profile of King George III on their helmets.
  14. I don't even remember the Tyler Colvin or Xavier Hernandez cases, though Hernandez was a long time ago. Same here!
  15. Supposed to be done, two years with an option. When this was going on I heard people bring up Balfour like it reflected bad on the Orioles. In fact the Orioles doctors have often been right. http://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2016/02/lets-get-physical-with-orioles.html
  16. Things are not perfect but you can't say the team didn't attempt to get better this off-season.
  17. Hey, look at this truck full of supplies. How about instead of taking this and the car back, we leave the car here and come back? Daryl not knowing how to open a can of soda. Glad they had time to take a new picture of Carl with the eye patch. Walker Deanna was really crafty to escape like that.
  18. Hey, it's spring. Hope springs eternal and all that.
  19. Great use of a time jump. This way we didn't have to see all the recovery angst and moping.
  20. But it's her time! The Clintons will probably dig up something bad on him soon.
  21. It was really interesting and compelling. And far more entertaining than I would have guessed.
  22. I never have seen Black Mirror but hear good things. I really like The Flash. I like Agent Carter but really like the lead actress and Jarvis. They are both great. It's usually lighter than most Marvel things. They are only 8-10 episodes per season. Really good bad guys too.
  23. Lol, for some reason I thought it was the finale of Agent Carter this week. As it was winding down I was thinking it was the oddest most depressing finale ever.
  24. I can say I heard of the case the first time about a month before the Super Bowl and then a couple times after that but still before the Super Bowl. I think it was coming out more and more regardless of who won.
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