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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. I don't think we are going to win this game
  2. What ship?
  3. Only a hail Mary at the end of the hair kept it from being 24-7
  4. I just got my Clausen jersey
  5. So they signed a communist. I'm out.
  6. I loved Gene Hackman in the first two Superman movies.
  7. I like Davis, but they shouldn't match that.
  8. I think it's a fair offer. If he takes it - great. If not, oh well. The Orioles and fans have been good to Davis. Hopefully if the money is close he thinks of that. And what kind of homerun numbers he could put up during that term at Camden. He could end up with 400+ homers here. Maybe elsewhere too, but this park is ideal for him.
  9. Oh I know, I was definitely being sarcastic.
  10. Well if the concussed player says he is OK, doesn't that mean he's ok?
  11. I didn't see last week's game. Schuab's arm looks bad
  12. Sorry I'm late. Some pro America group was protesting the falafel section at Weis.
  13. Have a great day!
  14. This move, by itself, I like.
  15. Lol, me? I was in high school almost 30 years ago. *sigh*
  16. Same here. I thought it was kind of a mess. "They knocked over the sculpture!" More CGI balloons. Opening three minutes with "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" and kid coloring while CGI ants eat his cookie. How long did Rosita, Tara, and the supposedly smart Eugene sit there before they thought about going into the house? It was the same house the others were in? Wow!. Have walkers ever gone up steps before? Burying the other scene in the first commercial break of the next show is just garbage.
  17. What works well with MGS5 really works well. Which in my opinion is most of it. They incorporated the game into and open world and pulled it off. The story works well enough for me. Keifer got an easy payday, he rarely talks.
  18. But it wasn't even light out yet!
  19. I watched Trainwreck tonight. It was good, not great, but I thought Lebron wear great. Pretty natural delivery.
  20. Team Cap. Like RDJ but think Stark is an ass. And he's much more likable in the movies than he had been in any comic I ever read. I think hiring RDJ for the first Iron Man will one day be thought of as one of the biggest events in Marvel history. Jessica Jones anyone? 7 episodes in and I think it's great.
  21. Have a great day everyone, enjoy!
  22. The second half of MGS Phantom Pain is a mess. Over all the game is great, its been a lot of fun. However the second half of the the game (post mission 31) is annoying. There are 50 main missions. After mission 31 for ever new story mission there seems to be 2 missions that are just previous missions with new criteria. In order to get to the end you need to replay things on expert or total stealth. Why? You could go black and replay the earlier missions at any time to improve your score. The game already is plenty long and a great value. Instead of 50 missions, just have the game be 36 missions with no retreads
  23. I too was offered a free ticket. I didn't go, only because I worked all last weekend and needed to get some stuff done. But I will be honest that I was happy about my decision. I'm probably still going to the Chiefs or Seahawks. I imagine a lot of people will be going to their first Ravens have in the next few games.
  24. Constant penalties, legit or not, make for a horrible viewing experience. They need to enforce the rules so I don't know what the solution is - but the NFL product right now is not great. Flags and commercials. I agree our defense is worse of a problem than our offense right now but if anyone thinks our offense is good enough then I disagree.
  25. Who cares? Plenty of teams with decent fanbases have empty seats at times. Not only was it obvious before the game that we were in for a long season - the game itself Sunday was terrible. Absolutely horrible to watch.
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