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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. I have been reading the Reddit No Sleep stories at work when its slow. I do not believe many but they are fun. I have enjoyed these: https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/3iex1h/
  2. I could give a rats ass about anything Hefner does but that is legal. And 21 year olds are far more developed intellectually and socially than a 15 year old.
  3. She is 30 years older than him, why would anyone think he would find her attractive? Even if he liked what was happening, he probably knew it was wrong and that probably bothered him.
  4. Hope it's a great day! And boy are you getting old
  5. I like Bernie but I don't think he can win. And if he did he couldn't get the changes he wants through Congress.
  6. I want born yet but have seen so many specials and recaps I have probably seen every play. It's a shocking loss but they happen. Plus the SB wasn't the big deal it is now then. The 1980 Olympic hockey win against Russia is more of an upset than the Colts loss. That was not a great team with an average coach and once the tournament started they were great. And in the game versus Russia they played virtually flawlessly. The fact that Russia beat the US horribly weeks before, and the fact they pulled Tretiak has a few Russians thinking it was fixed. Those thoughts just make some fans and players feel better about the losses. Bubba for years was sore about the loss, it made him feel better to believe the fixed was in. If you look at a lot of upsets with the mindset it was fixed you can often find lots of "evidence" to support that idea.
  7. Well I've turned off all the games with 2 minutes to go so I have no idea what you are talking about.
  8. I know all about the game and how heavily favored the Colts were. Some people think it was fixed because of how it affected the league. And some people think it was fixed because it makes them feel better because their team lost. The better prepared team that had nothing to lose won. It happens. It's as silly as people thinking the league is out to get us when we don't like a call or schedule.
  9. It wasn't fixed. And calling good gave who are critical of their team fairweather is silly.
  10. Well the Ravens lost the 4 games in the final minute so it's not like that really lost at all. So we are really kinda 5-0 playing a bad team.
  11. Some kind of rebuild I think, hopefully not a long one. The offense is not the problem but I would love to see Ozzie and the FO stop treating offense like an afterthought and worry as much about it as defense. With the rules now I think its more important than ever to have a first rate offense.
  12. I liked Fear The Walking Dead. I know some people thought it was slow but I don't think it was much slower than long portions of the TWD were. Herschel's farm and the prison both had weeks where nothing happened. And don't forget Carl eating pudding for 35 minutes last year.
  13. The offense was at least ok, the defense was horrid.
  14. Well it was fun for a week to imagine we could turn things around
  15. Get the ball to Ross!
  16. Is OT 3 on 3?
  17. That was brilliant
  18. Not defending the DC but our secondary is just not talented.
  19. Lucky penalty
  20. Well, 3 minutes to at least get a fg
  21. 2 neutral zone infractions on one drive.... Damn Flacco
  22. Should have brought Ross in on coverage
  23. Pretty good drive
  24. Ross in on the special teams tackle, this guy does it all.
  25. Wow that was a beautiful pass
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