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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. They are on quite the roll. I wish the end of the season was closer. Don't want to give them a chance to cool off.
  2. Baltimores #19!
  3. Lol, did they actually motion capture Ruffalo for the Hulk scenes in Avengers? You can't tell. Just use a stuntman. Or a random guy from Baltimore who will do it really cheaply.
  4. I hear Boseman is very good and thats the type of movie the Academy likes so I think you might be right. I need to see GOTG. Would Ruffalo even be needed for a Planet Hulk? Isnt he the Hulk the entire time on the planet?
  5. Wow, just wow.
  6. I'm not going to lie. That's the first thing I thought of. It really was. They were not perfect but found a way to win 2 of 3 in a key series.
  7. Nice start to the series!
  8. Yeah we should have chased their starter in the first two innings. Oh well. Still time though.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. Oh well....maybe next year
  11. I hope we stand pat. I think that's what they should do at this stage. I think they can make the playoffs as they are. If I didn't think that then I would like them to make a move.
  12. Hope you stayed out of prison!
  13. They are playing well. Nice game from Gausman and Jones. 7 of the last 9!
  14. Cool so if Peter does this (im pretending to know like others claim to know that Peter makes all the calls) then it's going to blow up and be stupid and I'm sure if he does nothing it would be proof he doesn't want to win. Fun stuff.
  15. I try to have some sort of plan for everything. My plan if I ever get struck by lightening and survive is to slowly stand up, then look at my hands. Then raise them in the air and yell in a deep voice, "I now have the power of the gods", then sprint away. Hopefully there are witnesses.
  16. Yeah the Browns did finish their season after the deal to move was signed. I never said they didn't. However almost no one knew it was possible they would move until it was a signed deal. If you think that is better, can I have some of what you are smoking? Irsay: I want a new stadium and a better concession deal. City of Baltimore: No. Fans of Baltimore: Memorial Stadium is fine. Irsay: Belch Irsay: I want a new stadium or I won't sign a long term lease. City Of Baltimore: Let's negotiate by passing an eminent domain law that could possibly keep the team here no matter what. Irsay: See you later - before bill is passed. City of Baltimore: Feigned shock! 12 years later: Here's a new stadium with a favorable lease for you Mr. Model. Anything else? Naming rights? Sure! Moving costs? Sure! Sorry, I will go back to one is a saint and one is a devil who deserves grave desecration pretending now.
  17. No, this was a sneak off on his buddies plane to sign the deal to move before most Clevelanders even had a clue it was happening. That's muuchhh more honorable. And you can't steal what you own.
  18. Well I will long be asleep by the time this is over but so far so good.
  19. Because, oh I just noticed whose post I was responding to. I don't seriously answer idiots like you.
  20. I would have given him 4 or 6.
  21. If that was the case the Ravens would be in the cellar too. I have heard numerous boasts of people pissing in Irsay's grave. Some on this very board.
  22. Whats wrong? I'll blame Cravn no matter what.
  23. I agree, shes fantastic. Funny and pretty.
  24. That guy is awesome! Well if he were playing a prank on them he would be.
  25. That sucks. I hope you find something decent soon. I had the same experience. A few years ago my old job suddenly told us they couldn't afford to pay us. I thought the filing process was relatively quick and painless.
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