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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. That is funny. I went to the Ironbirds game last night and it was Star Wars Night. That's not the reason I went, I had never been to a game and felt like going. It was fun.
  2. Up yours Unitas! Stupid Charger !
  3. Spen


    We used to fold the box in a way to do that. Its her knees moved higher.
  4. Oh I was just making a Chinatown reference. Yeah it sucks to blow that lead.
  5. Forget it, Cravn. It's Fenway.
  6. Me too! I am printing up shirts now.
  7. Happy 4th! Make sure you leave the day with the same number of fingers and toes you started it with!
  8. Shes dumb and at times flat out lying. I really need to get in touch with her about my rising ocean level space pump or ROLSP. Maybe get a grant or something. "Folks, if you get water in your basement what do you do? The liberals and the lame stream media would say you needed to move somewhere else. Of course not, you pump it out! Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the ROLSP. "
  9. Except 98% of scientists (which your essay writer is not) are saying one thing and 2% are saying something else. Seriously you might as well ask Bob Turk his opinion on climate change. Enough people are throwing around enough money to cloud people's judgement and some networks still make it seem like there is a legitimate debate, that a large minority still question the validity of the science. Because of that, we deserve to lie in whatever bed we made for ourselves. Shame on us.
  10. Of course not! If it was it wouldn't be anywhere near Western PA! Boom! *high fiving a million angels*
  11. Like the NCAA Basketball Tournament, I think the World Cup is a great tournament. For that reason I end up watching some of both even though I just dont like basketball or soccer.
  12. Boy the Cruz grand slam barely made it out. Whew! Fun series.
  13. Thats true. A lot of people forget that western PA used to produce something other than misery and hopelessness.
  14. I havent heard him much. Who knows, if he was on more I might tire of him. I just enjoyed what I heard over the weekend.
  15. Kenny Anderson was pretty good Qb. For a long time he had the single season completion percentage record. I think Steve Young in his prime was one of the best ever. Admittedly his prime was shorter than a lot of other QBs due to bad teams, being Montana's backup, and the injuries later on; but during it he was fantastic.
  16. Boom! Nice win!
  17. Over the weekend Ben McDonald was the color commentator on WBAL. While I am not sure how good he is at the job so far; I kind of like listening to him. He was always an amusing fellow.
  18. I agree, even for that era his numbers are not good. Same thing with Lynn Swann. I like him and think he was decent, but not HOF worthy. Average players getting awarded for team greatness.
  19. Bradshaw may be one of the luckier and most over rated players in history. He was an OK player on great teams. Its hard to argue Manning's playoff and Super Bowl shortcomings but Bradshaw's comments are still pretty silly. "if you like winning good during the season" Sounds like he is trying to belittle Manning's regular season accomplishments to me as well. "and losing Super Bowls" You have to get to Super Bowls to lose them, not everyone can do that. Bradshaw is as good of an actor as he was a football player.
  20. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/trial-fire-junk-science-sent-dad-prison-killing-wife-kids-n89601 From what I repeatedly read, anyone on this board is as qualified as an arson investigator than most actual arson investigators from any time longer than 20 years ago.
  21. I have heard good things about LG appliances. I really just went along for this purchase. My wife was armed with her Consumer Reports and picked out one. I couldnt get excited about washer shopping. Now if the TV broke, not that I want it to, I could have some fun researching that and picking one out. Washer? Blah! I fear this might be the first of many appliance purchases in the near future for me. The house is 14 years old and all the appliances are original. The dishwasher rack is rusting away, but so far it still works. Oven is a piece of junk but still works.
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