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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. Not that I think any of the coaches are great (Harbs and Billick included) but with the possible exception of Switzer they are all good coaches. If you really think the phrase "Sometimes a blind squirrel finds a nut" describes Seifert and his almost decade long run of having an elite team then I dont think you understand the phrase. And yeah I know he inherited a great team, but there was a ton of turnover during his tenure and they were always good. Bad coaches dont have the run like Harbaugh had and certainly not the run Seifert had.
  2. Well I guess the front office disagrees and feels the coach has had a hand in the sucess of the team. I'm sorry they disagree with you. I have watched football long enough to come to the opinion that a bad coach doesnt have sucess for long no matter how good a front office he has.
  3. Supposedly the latest numbers have 99.7% of world scientists agreeing that man is a big cause of climate change. Yet in this country at least it will be politicized and argued among party lines. Because we have allowed that to happen, we deserve what ever fate we get.
  4. Oh I would have been pissed if she would have died. I like what they have done with her, I still want to see her swinging that sword more. I thought it was going to end how it started - with Rock alone by the truck, so glad I was wrong. I'm glad none of the group died, sometimes in finales I feel they do that because they feel like they have to. Nice ending.
  5. I thought you had me on ignore? Idiot.
  6. Its hard to hide the idiot for too long isn't it?
  7. I like Art and overall think he was a good man. Irsay was an ass and I don't like him. Just because I think the moves were similar I don't want it to sound like I like Irsay. Yuck! I think if everything was happening now it would go down differently. The city dragged it's feet because they thought the stadium was fine and until very late in the process thought the team would never move. Now we know if an owner isn't happy and the lease is up - then they better make him happy.
  8. The league approved it because they knew it didnt matter whether they did or not as proven by a costly lawsuit the league had just lost to Al Davis. They could have given him a stadium and the team would have stayed. Attendance could have been better the last five years. Irsay wanted a better football stadium in a more accessible area and the city didn't give it to him. Fans were not supportive of having a new stadium built. They could probably have tried to renegotiate a better lease for the Colts. Even in football season the Orioles controlled concessions and parking. What owner would be happy with that? Then the state senate introduced a bill that gave the state the power to take the team from him under eminent domain. He left before the bill was passed, like most owners considering moving would do. Yeah he was an idiot ass but he was playing in an antiquated stadium under a bad lease with a city unwilling to give him a new stadium and with a apathetic fanbase that wasn't in favor of a new stadium. With the stuff like the eminent domain bill its no wonder they left when they did in such a hurried way. Sadly bad owners are part of sports but when fans and cities stop supporting the team they often only hurt themselves.
  9. Yeah, I know. I meant on average.I can see good facilities lasting longer. I might be wrong. I don't think either of those are thought of as particularly good stadiums.
  10. I might be naive but the newer stadiums are so much better nowadays, I can see their life spans being far greater than the ones built 50 years ago. Sure there will need to be improvements and changes, but I would think most of the new one would last a long long time. Maybe not, who knows what the new ones will have in 10 years that suddenly all the owners will want.
  11. Any reasonably unbiased account of the Colts move and the Browns move made them sound similar. I just mentioned that book because it was the best one I read. One isn't a hero, one isn't a villain for the moves, both are shades of grey. And I agree about Irsay. He was an ass and inept as an owner. But if Art was a better businessman in the 80s and 90s the Browns never move. As for the stadium, I disagree too. I had many fun times at Memorial, but it was an outdated facility in the 80s. It was OK for baseball, barely, but for football it was horrible compared to the newer stadiums of the day. Irsay was all about the sky boxes. Other stadiums had them and the money went straight into the owners pocket so then all the owners wanted them. The city's plan to retrofit them into Memorial was a joke. I realize this wont be a popular opinion but the city of Baltimore is as much to blame for the Colts move as Cleveland was to the Browns move. Both teams wanted (or needed depending on who you listen to) and both cities wouldn't (or couldn't depending on who you listen to) build them one. Its really that simple. I remember the arguments then too, the fans were against a new stadium. The city and fans played hardball and lost. Now I cannot blame the city and fans too much because the game was new then. Deep down people didn't really think the team would move. The fans were pretty apathetic about the team then, half empty stadiums made the move that much easier to happen.
  12. From every factual account I have ever read the two moves and owners had a lot in common. A lot of fans want to think Irsay was evil and Art was a good man screwed by Cleveland. The book "Glory For Sale" by Sun reporter Jon Morgan was the best account I ever read. They both wanted new stadiums and beneficial lease deals so they both moved. Modell told Cleveland he was OK with waiting for a new stadium. Then a series of deals he made were not as lucrative as he thought and a lot of his other businesses outside football were hurting so suddenly he needed cash. The whole coordinated move with Art and Lerner was fishy. Now beyond the move Art was an important owner and usually thought of as a good guy so the similarities with Irsay end there. Overall I am glad the Colts moved and as soon as they played one game in Indy I never wanted the name or colors back. Good riddance. If not the Browns some team would have moved here. When Tags and JKC kept us from getting the expansion they left an offer sit that was too good for many teams to pass up.
  13. Modell didnt run the team into the ground first. Other than that the two moves have far more in common than they have differently.
  14. Its dumb to make a rule about it IMO but it is not a big deal. I care more about rules that affect the actual game play.
  15. Anyone remember the nice ad where a young man in a restaurant is holding his food looking for a seat but the place was full so a nice family lets him sit with them? The same thing kind of happened to me today at Boston Market. I was standing with my tray hoping someone would leave so I could sit when a nice older couple motioned for me to sit with them. They were a bit older - probably late 70s, smokier, and I'll be honest a little creepier than the TV commercial people but who am I to judge? I probably dont match up well to the commercial boy. Anyway I sit down and we small talk about the weather. Henry had one of those voice box machines, I didnt ask if he had cancer. I just assumed. Helen was nice and kept smiling. Maybe they were not so creepy after all. Just as I took my first bite Henry leaned over and in barely a machine generated whisper said "if you let her blow you and let me watch - we'll pay for your sandwich". I was really shocked and a bit dissapointed.... Wait, Im doing it again. My wife always tells me that I tell my stories in the wrong order, that I 'bury the lead'. Let me start over. Hey guys, I got a free sandwich today!
  16. When a team has players that do something wrong I think the team should stand behind the players until the facts come out. That player is part of the team and they shouldn't be thrown under the bus on an accusation alone. After all the facts come out then the team can decide how to proceed. Sadly, we all know that better players will get away with far more than marginal players will. I also feel that when a free agent or a player on another team has questions hanging over him - then that is probably not a player a team should look to acquire. I do believe in second chances (Modell was famous for that and sometimes they worked, other times not) but there should be some time passed and evidence of change before they are given. Incognito still seems confused he did anything wrong and how long ago was it that he was destroying his car? Not the type of person I would look to bring onto the team. Honestly the McClain stuff is probably too soon for me to be in favor of bringing him in. Less than a year ago he was getting arrested. Personally I'd probably pass. Player's conduct is important to me at least. I want the Ravens to win but I always want to be cheering for "good guys". The three recent Ravens arrests in over a week is embarrassing to the franchise. They should be looking for good players and quality individuals right now, and I dont think Incognito fits that description and I wonder about McClain.
  17. PS. Redskin Nation, In the meantime if you have unwanted tickets you can now sell them on game day to others in a safe secure area covered from the weather and elements. Just stop on by the Redskins Scalpin' Tee Pee to sell those unwanted tickets! Cash only, no beads or gems! Dan "Im Takin' This Stuff Seriously" Snyder
  18. They are swaying you arent they? Be honest.
  19. Will adding a year onto the years he has left affect him? I'm confident in saying no. Why would it? Im not omipotent like you so while I dont think having him coach in the last year of his contract would have affected him - I cannot say for sure. Like you were with Billick, you dont like Harbaugh so you you think its a bad deal. Its really a deal that doesnt affect much at all. The only thing it does for sure is give more money to Harbaugh. It doesnt guarantee him being the coach for any amount of time or anything. Go ahead and let it bother you, and let it make you think the owner has been duped. I dont know why you care so much, youre admittedly not a fan.
  20. I dont know, do you think he would have been distracted by coaching in the last year of his contract? Some seem to be, some dont. Either way coaches teams want to keep rarely coach a season being a lame duck. Maybe you disagree with it, but thats the way it usually is. Do you think he would coach any better, or more to your liking if his feet were held to the fire so to speak? I am not sure being scared or worried about your job would make a person coach better.
  21. I feel it was. Nice and clean, with some food. I am not sure the logistics of it, and it may have been overly complex, but I think it looks suspect now.
  22. I just dont see contract situations affecting most coaches. Coaches want to win whether they have one year left on their contract or four. It might be a distraction for some coaches so it may be better to not have them coaching as lame ducks, and I am sure some coaches may be a bit more cautious in the final year of their contract - but I am not sure thats a good thing. I just dont see this as being a much of a deal, the people that dislike him are going to complain but it really affects nothing. I dont see the time and logic behind the move either, I am assuming there is one, but either way it doesnt bother me.
  23. I really don't see what the big deal is either. If he does well*, he will continue being the coach. If he doesn't then he wont. I don't see Bisciotti thinking "Hmmm, John really sucks but I don't want to fire him because he has two years left on his contract". *admittedly a subjective term
  24. Nice. Not sure it will mean anything but its cool.
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