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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by Spen

  1. That's what I thought as soon as she said she would make them a plate.
  2. Yeah Terminus seems suspect. The name never filled me with confidence. Sounds like a bad place to me.
  3. I agree. Too risky of a move at a time when the franchise doesn't need it.
  4. I hope it's a great day. You're catching up to me!
  5. Anybody have an extra kid they can lend me for tax purposes?
  6. I did OK this year, but it seems to go as quickly as I get it.
  7. Oldschool, you can post your comments to me here. No need to PM me. I often think your often a bigoted idiot on this board but thats not my issue with you this time. It hasn't been that long since you were first starting trouble on this board, then criticizing most of the members on this board, then attacking this boards management, then you stormed off vowing never to return to this horrible place. You even tried to take posters with you. And now just a few months later you are back to the site you claimed was so awful before. Fucking hypocrite.
  8. Whoah! Thats not cool. Its only earned when its by a guy!
  9. I know. Notice the part in my post where I clearly stated that.
  10. This all makes sense. You flip the bird during a half time show and the NFL wants 16 million from you. You do something that could possibly affect the outcome of a game, yeah it didnt but it could have, and a 100k fine enough of a punishment.
  11. You told us Steel! Well done. Oh well the league wasnt serious about stopping things like this.
  12. It is pretty amazing that it is still not found in this day and age. The ocean is a huge place though and sadly I am sure that it's where the plane is.
  13. On my 7th grade intermural flag football team I intercepted a pass that put my team in a playoff game to make the playoffs. I immediately ran to the sidelines and copped as many feels as I could. Mostly on the girls, at most one or two guys (upstairs outside). Some people complained but the school backed me up and said I had it coming.
  14. I like the way you add the "lol" so people know when to laugh. Its smart and clever. Its like a laugh track! Ya big fuckin' dummy! Lol. See its a joke! Lol. Achtung you idiot. Heil to das fuhrer. Lol! Its a joke, its all good fun.
  15. Of Mice and Men-ish! Look at the flowers...
  16. Wasnt he a 49er before we signed him? Man was he a great player.
  17. Spen


    Dee, can you please ban Oldcrow, RavenMad, and Cravn for causing me mental anguish? Yeah I know technically Cravn didnt do anything but now his name is associated with that image. Thanks!
  18. Spen


    c'mon, thats not an image I need to have put in my head
  19. Spen


    Ben Franklin liked his ladies tan (with tan lines - his thing) so he came up with DST. He also liked his ladies syphilis free but beggers can't be choosers.
  20. I think if a team uses Jacoby as any more than a 3rd WR than they are in trouble.
  21. I have hope for the team this year and my gut feeling is they will be slightly better than they were last year. I still think at times this team is really going to be fun to watch offensively and at times they will be frustrating as can be offensively.
  22. Every morning when I get up I read the obituaries to make sure I am still alive and the police blotter to see what the Ravens are up to.
  23. I thought it was better than last weeks, by far, but I still thought it was 15 minutes of stuff stretched over an an hour. Nice ending though with Beth's apparent abduction, Daryl's new friends, and thre three heading off to Terminus. Not the most promising name for a place.
  24. 3 arrests in 22 days!? C'mon, we can do better.
  25. I think the offense should be the priority this offseason with every attempt to make it at least better than average, hopefully good. A team usually needs to be at least decent in all aspects of the game to win and the offense wasnt decent so it should be the priority. We should not hope a crappy offense suddenly finds its way in the playoffs. Sure it may happen, but it usually wont.
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