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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by GrubberRaven

  1. What's up crav? Been a long time, but I still lurk in the shadows...too busy with two kids now and married life. a good busy, but busy.
  2. Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery Max...best wishes that its a speedy one
  3. This blows...but atleast Clayton was wrong which means he'll be wrong about Cam...a man can dream right?
  4. Hue Jackson...man has fire and success
  5. Don't forget Hernandez guys...when Gronk disappears...he shows his ugly...and the guy does it ALL
  6. He needs to practice two days in a row though crav...
  7. Good finds...thanks papa
  8. This one is pretty good too... http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Bs4QtkKcmu0
  9. You're welcome...his name is Goob...it's pretty funny...
  10. Thanks Dee! Now the question...is it even worth watching...
  11. Hey folks...long time no see... Any online feeds?
  12. I wouldn't call them solid...they have no running game to speak of...and Orton has been forced to throw out of his mind...
  13. People aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about. You'd think we lost the game judging from how people were taling about it Tuesday morning. End of story.
  14. yeah and where is BJ Sams now, you moron
  15. Yes and there are no other injuries happening throughout the league... Bitch, bitch, bitch...
  16. Papa...you only exist to bitch and gripe...if the world was perfect, you'd curl up and die because you wouldn't have anything to bitch about anymore
  17. Ahhhhhh...see when you said "they" I thought you were refering to the Ravens...cleared it up
  18. You just contradicted yourself in the same sentence...
  19. You guys act like teams only win superbowls with great CBs...I couldn't name the CBs that played on either super bowl team and last I checked the two best CBs in the league played on teams that weren't in the Super Bowl...hell, one hasn't even sniffed a post season yet. We have a LOT more positives than negatives right now and I'll root or a super bowl when we GET into the super bowl. Either way...my life goes on.
  20. Wow...you're really grouping Sanchez with Brady and Peyton...Really? ... Really?
  21. It's your tone...you speak like Ozzie is synonomous with Angelos and the Ravens have been crap for years and still haven't done anything. Well the Ravens have put together two playoff runs in the past two seasons under the new regime and it still seems to be going full steam ahead. And the Raven's success has been based on Ozzie and his staff's records at drafting. Your tone makes it sound like we just went to shit because we didn't have a first round pick. Last I checked the teams in the super bowl didn't succeed because of their first round picks and I'm not going to cry "fire" right now because of the results of last night's first round picks ALONE! So back at you...got it? Good.
  22. Good way to put it Reed...see what a little sleep will do for you?
  23. Its obvious fanatic has experience AND success running an NFL franchise and now that he's retired and living in his house of gold from all of his enormous insight, we must accept that what Ozzie chose to do was in poor judgement, eventhough his track record would suggest otherwise. I can't wait till Mighty Stevie B hires you next year after Ozzie Newsome hangs himself at the public square of raven bandwagoners, after this being his pinacle of failure. BTW...shut the f up.
  24. Now you're just looking for reasons to bitch Crav...you sound like papasmurf
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