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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by GrubberRaven

  1. New trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp dropped and after seeing Infinity War, was a bit let down.
  2. People have been telling me to watch Fear and I can't get into that one either.
  3. GO! GO NOW!!!
  4. Who has seen it? Best Marvel movie thus far.
  5. So TWD is pretty much done. I may watch the first episode next year and I'll still record it, but won't be watching it live anymore.
  6. I don't think anyone can crap the bed as bad as Perriman did. I hope Flacco has a monster season. No boo-hoos from me...I'll give him that the talent around him has been below average, but the guy is butt hurt over this pick.
  7. He made Mike Vick a decent QB...I'll take it
  8. They don't like what they have in TEs...everything I've read is positive, I come here and people are burning the house down.
  9. No one thought Jensen would pan out and he did...I'm having a bit more faith in those in charge than the guy 'leading' the O
  10. I know it's a pipe dream, but I'm done with Flacco...
  11. I'm honestly curious if they'll trade Flacco. I want to see Jackson. Flacco had his chance...
  12. Next two months should be fun
  13. None of these WRs will mean jack if Joe doesn't work with them and grow with them. He has a whole new crew to throw to. I'm having second thoughts on this whole thing...
  14. Holy crap! Nice call...that would be interesting
  15. He now has Tyrod to throw to him
  16. I always thought he was Jeff Conine moonlighting as a ref
  17. Thanks for the congrats.
  18. Have not, but have plans to before the new job starts
  19. Yeah, he doesn't have 'it'
  20. And now they have the Eagles' OC and the Eagles QB coach went to the Vikes. Wonder of Foles will follow? to either team...
  21. Imagine if Flacco was undefeated
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