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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by GrubberRaven

  1. Talieferro will not be suspended...granted, I'm getting tired of cheering for a bunch rich brats...I could just be bitter because I lost my job...
  2. Happy belated birthday DC!
  3. Happy belated!
  4. Not true papa...Fantastic Four has the Krull, which is Whedon used the alien race he did (name escapes me right now) Also referring to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as Miracles instead of mutatnts...
  5. Odd, it's coming through for me...oh wait...you have to view it on youtube
  6. JUST TAKE MY MONEY!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lVH3ogPE0w
  7. Who could take his place? Matusz?
  8. Nothing about this team is consistent...we never fire on all cylinders...beyond frustrating
  9. Crav's two fav picks were Devard Darling and Travis Taylor...'nuff said...
  10. I never understood the need for WR this draft...we have a solid group.
  11. Totally Stifler's Mom...
  12. out of his 5 surgeries, 4 were for 'cleaning' and he's never missed a game. So... Plus there's concern over Brown's ability to learn the D...
  13. No surgery needed according to reports on Twitter. Will DH and Caleb Joseph is being brought up.
  14. for a delayed game
  15. In other news...Brady Quinn thinks he's still relevant...
  16. Oldschool? That you?
  17. 2 doubles. Triple and a strike out. Just DH, due to weather. Nice start for him.
  18. Going to the game tonight, weather permitting...looks like solid rain through from 6-10 tonight...dammit
  19. Wait, is he gone again?
  20. Well, the only downfall is that I work by myself, in a cube, within a windowless office. Everybody I deal with is in CA, so yeah, I get very stir crazy and my email etiquette sucks.
  21. Work a mile from my house.
  22. Age of Apocalypse
  23. I'm really curious what they'll do with that storyline
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