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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by GrubberRaven

  1. Thanks!
  2. He was withdrawing from banks, leaving town. Maybe he thinks he'd lose a cashier's check?
  3. Fair enough. Now if either of you created an argument detailing Flacco's failures, then you may get more respect from us. As far as numbers are concerned, who cares. We don't have to wade through the shit found in most 'popular' forums.
  4. Is that a PC only game? What's the gameplay like? Resident Evil?
  5. I lump you two together, because you beat the same drum. Rasta brought up the topic of website traffic, which was something OS constantly vented about.
  6. Are we sure OldSchool isn't Geronimo or Rasta, or both?
  7. Rasta and Geronimo have been here since July...heyoooo
  8. Glenn in the comics Herschel on the show
  9. Kirkman regretted cutting off Rick's hand in the comics.
  10. Who gives a shit? If he can play football, draft him.
  11. a foot atleast. I'm in Frederick.
  12. I love winter. I love snow. That said, I'm ready for spring...brutal.
  13. Probably...
  14. I honestly have no idea where they will go, as the Governor last season was a paper thin version of what he was in the comic. Michonne basically stuck a spoon in his ass, then scooped out his eyeball with it, after removing it. Also nailed his dick to a board. All because he continually raped/beat her while he held her prisoner. The way they ended the Governor story, was more in line with the comic. With that said, Negan is the next big bad and he makes the Governor look like Jesus.
  15. Yes. I've dug him in this episode though...this chain of events is where he turns around.
  16. But somehow the Ravens have been successful running the team the way they do. Somehow, the front office makes a decision that puts us, every year, the past SIX years, in some form of success. You just want to be a whiney little Chicken Little until the facts shut you up....
  17. Looks like Sam Adams...Doe NOT Panic!
  18. You're a little testy, aren't you?
  19. LinkS? No arrests, true, but here you go... https://www.google.com/search?q=Rothlisberger+assulat&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=Roethlisberger+assault&spell=1
  20. Give him a whole season...then start chastising the Front Office.
  21. Probably has a higher female assault average too...
  22. Dude is hardly 'Flaccid' with two kids already...just saying...
  23. How 'bout you let the season begin? Try that out...
  24. 4 possible comp pics you mean?
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