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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dapetes

  1. Correct if I'm wrong. Doesn't Baseball teams have their own announcers calling and commenting on their games. Is the NFL controlling this also and if so why? The network/NFL announcers cannot and will not remain impartial. I turned off the volume shortly after the first half and enjoyed myself better. It's time to have Raven announcers doing the games.
  2. Just enough for a shitty draft pick. Same crap different year. well we got Rice. Now where will Ozzie get 3-4 recievers.
  3. Theres no pressure on gaymanning. If Flacco had the time that shes got he'd be great too. The D needs to mix in some blitzs or She'll eat us alive. Oh I turned my volume off the game is much nicer without the gaytons boytoys.
  4. The ravens don't have any recievers to go deep. Oh thats right D Will. Where in the gods name is he and Washington for that matter. Mason will be doubled up. Put Clayton on the sideline, He sucks.
  5. Seemed like most of his bad passes were thrown out of bounds or overthrown. Another words if a Receiver didn't make the catch no one did. He played it safe. Hopefully he didn't reinjure himself this week and heals more over this week.
  6. dapetes


    After a stellar performance he deserves kudos. Hes becoming the nasty beast I've been waiting for. Great job Yanda.
  7. Are we in prevent defense in the 3rd qtr.?
  8. I know its been mentioned before however I'm more then mildly concerned with it. Cam and company have to come up with some plays to circumvent the blitz. The last 2 games the Ravens looked pitiful when blitzed. Without some outlet options Flaccos gonna get hurt out there. Speaking of Flacco he looked dazed on and off the field last week to me. Is it possible he had an unreported concussion as he seemed to play the part?
  9. If the Ravens can get a fair shake from the Patriots officials and they can play without any doubt that there may be a penalty then they have a chance. The Baltimore teams have been screwed by the Patriots officials for years. If we get an unbiased officiating crew I'll be amazed. Hope for the best.
  10. Why is it the steelers coaches and players meet during the game usually with film and go over what the opposing offense / defense is doing. When the camera is on the Ravens I don't notice much or any of that going on. And where is the disipline on the Ravens? I don't think there is any. I don't like Rex to much and he is a loose cannon but I think disipline would be something he would address. I havn't been impressed with our special teams play all year. Rossberg ex Brownie isn't the answer. And the group hasn't been very good for as long as hes been its coordinator. A change is needed. Billick lost control of this team before he lost his job. Harbaugh hasn't proven he can contol this team either and I have doubts that he ever will. Until we get better front office signings and good free agents they are in for more years ahead of the same caliber of play. While I am saddened and embarrased by todays debacle I'm certainly not suprised at all by this teams performance in fact I've come to expect it. Bright spot Ray Rice.
  11. dapetes

    Week 16

    Flaccos had a mediocre start as well as special teams. Pounding the ball ala Mclain may tire the steelers defensive line. Flacco has got to do a better job in the second half. Save Rice for the second half.
  12. The loss of Webb is crushing to the defense. The pickup of Ivy is just demoralizing to the unit. Release hardballs and resign Mccalister before its to late. I don't think the defense will show up this week the players know Ivy isn't a legite player and will probably play accordingly. If I'm wrong I'll be suprised. My prediction Ivy starting then playoff hopes are over.
  13. dapetes

    Week 13

    Don't worry people Ozzie the great will fix all of his mistakes. You'll see!
  14. dapetes

    Week 13

    Get Williams on the field!!!! wth
  15. dapetes


    This parity thing seems to have finally worked out for the Bengels. After finishing crappy for so long and getting great 1st round picks handed to them. They have enough talent to win for a change.LOL
  16. dapetes


    Keeping Ozzie is silly and I'm serious.
  17. dapetes


    When players suck like carr and foxworth a gm should see and realize they stink before he gets them. Our college scouts found Webb not Ozzie don't grasp at straws to enhance Ozzie it won't do any good. Lets get the Bungles GM it seems he knows what hes doing.
  18. According to The Sun paper. Ray Lewis said Jamal has plenty of football left in him. Apparantly if a player can dress himself and make it onto the field under his own power. Then he should and keep cashing in. Now I loved Ray when he was in his prime. That being said will Ray play to long? Will he be another mascot like Ripkin did his last 3-4 years here? Will he ruin his reputation for the love of money? Will he give it up on his own and maintain his dignity. I mean if he thinks its the right thing for Jamal then why would'nt he himself. Fans beware. GO Ravens!!
  19. dapetes


    It was known at the end of last season what positions needed to be filled for the 09 season. Why were those positions not filled? Will we be here in 10 talking about these same positions? Wheres the accountability fall for this oversight/failure? Are these over overreaction type questions?
  20. dapetes


  21. dapetes


    The state of this roster falls on Ozzies lap. Coachings bad this and that is BS. Ozzie has done a poor job with this team for years. And now the fans will endure a player upheavel that until now has not occured since the move from Cleveland. It will take years to fix this team and Ozzie is not the man for the job. Its time for a change. Biscotti has been silent so far. Biscotti knows what needs to be done. Steve get on with it.
  22. Stick with Hauschka what difference does it make at this point. Let him kick the ball around maybe he has the talent. This seasons gonna be a wash anyhow. The pressures off from here on out for Steve let him practice the rest of the games. Use the rest of the season grooming players on the sideline they may find a diamond in the rough. The worse our record the higher our draft choice will be.
  23. The Ravens wasted to many years on Boller and Billick. The players that were in their prime during those dark times will unfortunatly not get a super bowl appearance much less a ring. Ozzie should shoulder the blame for this. Biscotti may let ozzie walk after this year. Steves been quiet up until now and I think fireworks may go off any time now.
  24. Gano was the kicker I meant. He was gritty at least. I read somewhere tonite hes kicking in the UFL. Bring him back and have a real season tryout. Leave Carr at the bus station to make room.
  25. The 2 areas that were not adressed during the draft and summer have so far and will continue to destroy this season. The teams defensive backfield and the reciever situation. And we still need a field goal kicker this guy folds under pressure bring back whats his name. If the team has cap issues and this is the best team we have we as fans are in for years of losing. This isn't the circus. I don't give a shit if I ever see or meet Ray Lewis,Suggs,Reed or any of the other overpaid underachievers on this team. Win or at least play hard. If I want to see the circus I'll go to the circus. If I'm watching the Ravens don't put on a circus act. How much better are the Ravens then the Lions,Browns,Buffalo.IMHO Not much.
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