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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dapetes

  1. Not to pick on Trevor Price but what the heck and was Bart Scott that big of a loss.
  2. Are the offensive lines that good or is our defense just unable to generate a pass rush? With out a defensive pass rush the Ravens are in for a looonnnnggggg season. Is this the first season of the demise of the defense? At the end of the season will the talk be to tear down and rebuild a new defense here?
  3. dapetes


    The two concerns in training camp defensive backs and receivers certainly is showing up as the season progresses.
  4. We still need recievers we have Mason and occasionally Washington. After that its all luck. Clayton plays like hes putting in time. No drive. No enthusiasm. Its time to make moves. Let Carr and Clayton go. Bring up Eron Riley. At least he might be entusiastic and driven. Clayton sure isn't. And Carr is a waste of skin and oxygen.
  5. dapetes


    Get rid of this piece of S??t!!!!!
  6. The nfl ought to be fined for allowing substandard refs loose on the field. Just as the patsys during spygate were possibly liable for fan refunds for denying a level playing field.
  7. Next weeks a new week. I hope the Refs Don't pull a F the Ravens when the refs have been caught and identified. This game may mean that any close calls real or imagined will go against the team in the future. Whistles have a way of doing that to people.
  8. As I remember back to when the Colts were here in order to beat the patsys you had to overcome the lopsided officiating. They will give you a few penalties usually meaningless to the outcome. And bend you over when it means points for the nFl patsys. Another words they try to mask the BS. I've watched it for years and have come to expect it really at NE. The question is whos paying off the refs the bookies or the nfL. I'm not mad just blatently honest.
  9. dapetes

    Week 4

    Send Carr Zibikowski Landry and Clayton packing.
  10. dapetes

    Week 4

    Clayton stills BS
  11. dapetes

    Week 4

    Watch the refs Now. Time to put in the fix.
  12. dapetes

    Week 4

    Holding Eh, Block in the backs. Its all good.WAFJ
  13. dapetes

    Week 4

    The defensive backfield will be tested. Hold em. Then run it down their throats.
  14. dapetes

    Week 4

    Mattison Wake Up!
  15. Different year different day same old Officiating payoffs. Question is whos paying them the bookies or the NFL???
  16. dapetes

    Week 4

    This crap with the New England Officiating has been going on for years. F555ck these bought and paid for officials.
  17. dapetes

    Week 4

    It seems the Patriots have a way of getting into the Ravens heads. If we can make adjustments during the half and stop making penalties the ravens can still win this game. The officials are gonna call roughing the passer if you sneeze on the NFLs golden boy today. The defense must adjust to the Patriots and play with their heads and not their guts. Also I thought the play Gaither got hurt on #94 late hit Flacco. He made no attempt to slow up after Flacco had released the ball 2-3 seconds earlier.
  18. dapetes

    Week 4

    NFL------ National FIXED league same old story different year and day.
  19. dapetes


    Game 4. Carr does fumble. Carr has yet to show me a damn thing on returning not to mention on defense. Leave Carr at home and give Kruger the start. Kruger can get on the job training and has a future here. Bye Bye Carr.
  20. The reason I bring it up is, have any players on it make it to the Ravens during the season their on the squad? Eron Riley showed some promise and heart in the preseason session. He may be a guy to bring up this season.
  21. dapetes


    After 4 preseason games and 2/3 of this game he has shown me nothing. Tell me why hes here I forget.
  22. Ray will not play as hard as last year. He played hard cause of the contract year. Period. Hes a better motivator now then player anyway. Only problem is coachings not where the money is. It may be the right time to let him go.
  23. Jims more important as a return man. Yamon WHO?
  24. The Ravens created this monster and now they have to pay the monster. I don't think he has much left in the tank. What he does have is control of the defense and the fans. I don't want a circus act like the last years of Ripken in Baltimore. The money spent on the circus act would be better spent on younger talent and retaining the younger players on the team. I'll miss him. Good luck Ray.
  25. I see coaches at different levels leaving their teams for more money and noteriety. How many coches have the Steelers lost lately or last year? Don't bring coward into it either. Tell me of significant losses because none come to mind. Do they pay their coaches enough to stay and other teams do not? Whats the story?
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