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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by dapetes

  1. Pitts.46 Balt. 32 Min. 29 Ind. 27 Nyg 27 Ariz. 26 Sand 25 Mia. 24 Phi. 23 Car. 20 Atl. 17 Ten. 8 Does it mean anything? Its lopsided at the top and bottom.
  2. What is Reeds life altering condition?
  3. Mason never ceases to amaze me. He gets paid but doesn't play for the money. He plays because he loves the challenge. What a football player should and needs to be. Mason has and still has my vote for offensive player of the year. Love Ya Mase
  4. NFL = NOT F#c#in Legitimate
  5. I'm not crying about a call. I'm saying the NFL is fixed. The officials just make sure it happens the way the NFL expects. Sorry for the misunderstanding. The NFL needs to coreograph better then wrasting and when they don't they need to jacked up. Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit is the NFL.
  6. dapetes


    Cameron let me down today. I thought Billick was doing the play calling. It was scary like deja vu. I kept waiting for things to get better it never did though. It was the most boring Ravens game this year. I don't mind losing but for gods sake keep the playcalling exciting. I thought in the second half he'll open up the offense that never happened. Billick was there right.
  7. The 1 yard play with the review had the stands chanting Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit and it was BS and it sounded like a thing of Beauty. Fuck them. I was proud to be a Ravens fan. The crowd let the incompetent and possibly on the take ofisheads know they wern't fooling anyone. Kudos to the fans and once again fuck the incompetent ofishheads. Heres a joke. Whats the diference between Wrastling and the National football league? Punchline.....Not a damn thing. LOL LOL
  8. The year the Colts left bear alot of simularities to the Orioles of today. Not putting a decent product on the field. Heck it might take the Os leaving to get rid of angelos. Seems like not such a bad thing. We didn't need a new team we needed a new owner. It was to be the only wat to get rid of irsay. Sometimes when a trailer gets roaches bad you have to burn the thing to get rid of the roaches. Much the same happened to the irsay owned colts. Thank You Bob for leaving.
  9. Blame the nfl for the Colts being allowed to leave. Blame the nfl for the Colts name being taken away. Blame the NFL for us not getting a team. Blame the nfl for letting irsay own a team ever. Hell as cheap as irsay was he could save money on jerseys by keeping the Colts name. The important thing to remember is that an irsay did not own the team then. And I for one Would in no way shape or form want any team associated with any of the irsays ever again. Colts or otherwise. We moved a &^*%$# of %^&$# owner out of here. Thank the football gods for that. Thank you bob for moving your rank butt out of town. The colts loss was a minor price to pay to rid Baltimore of the likes of YOU.
  10. White Tops Yes White Pants Yes - purple,black tops No black pants No
  11. I was just reading a story of the Bengals lost season and it seems Marvins on his way out as well. I thought of who are the best coaches to come out of his regime and are they successful and will they last?
  12. Ed Reed made a couple of good plays on 2 underachieving QBs. That being said. He's got to stop the sandlot handoffs on the returns. Besides looking silly, it seldom if ever works. He's lucky we got the ball back.
  13. Amen brother. This will be my last year attending Ravens games. I can see the game better on my 46 inch xbr Sony anyhow.
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