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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary

Should have kept Alex Smith


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The 49'ers have a host of troubles.

A few weeks ago the media was handing them the Super Bowl declaring them to have the best roster in the NFL.

I think Phil Simms said that Kapernick could become the best QB ever.

Oh well.


Then there's the matter of the naked quarterback. Kaepernick has thrown for three touchdowns and four interceptions, with a 72.5 passer rating. At Kansas City, Alex Smith, sent packing to grant Kaepernick the San Francisco job, has four touchdowns, no interceptions and a 92.1 rating. Discounting for the 2012 San Francisco-St. Louis tie in which both played, since the beginning of last season, Smith is 9-2 as a starter, Kaepernick is 8-5. All of Kaepernick's starts are with a team many touts view as having the league's best roster. Three of Smith's starts have come with the worst team of 2012.



In August, this column supposed "Smith is the real deal. At the Niners, Harbaugh/West was so eager to showcase Kaepernick that Smith fell out of favor despite performing well. In Smith's final 2012 appearances with San Francisco, he combined to go 25 for 27 with four touchdown passes and no interceptions. Should Smith play well in Andy Reid's pass-wacky system, this trade will be viewed as the year's steal."



Kaepernick is talented, but his emergence was tied to NFL defenders not knowing how to handle the zone read. Now they do, as Robert Griffin III has found. If the zone read recedes into the collector's case as just a flavor of the month, teams will go back to emphasizing the kind of tried-and-true passing tactics epitomized by Tom Brady, the Manning brothers, Drew Brees -- and Alex Smith. By season's end, will Niners faithful be wishing their team had kept Smith?



I think Jim Harbaughs act is wearing thin on that team.

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Thought q was the answer ?

Remember Crav, I said on the espn board he was a flash in the pan, and rode Alex's winning team on a roll to the playoffs....

And the read option won't last long before the NFL defensive minds figure out how to stop it.

Pees kind of laid the foundation for that in the SB and now it looks like the book is out on it.....

So the one trick pony I call Kopatrick, ain't looking so good now a days.....Along with RG-3.....


SB Champs !!!!

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