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Fla lets some monster walk scott freeof murder..




And, dont know if you noticed, but gasoline went up 8 cents a gallon from this morning. How convenient, guess Obamas 30 million barrel of reserve oil, was to make us feel good about cheaper gas thru the summer holidays..

Edited by cravnravn
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Fla lets some monster walk scott freeof murder..

12 jurors of her peers came to a decision, and she was declared innocent of murder. She was convicted on lesser charges of providing false information to law enforcement.


Nobody wins in these types of cases.

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Fla lets some monster walk scott freeof murder..


I really only read about the case yesterday after the verdict and from everything I read I do not think they proved that she killed her daughter. They proved she lied, they proved she acted irrationally, but not that she killed her IMO so I understand the verdict. People are murdered and go missing all the time and because the victim was a little blondish girl with a relatively attractive mother charged then all the sudden its the trial of the century.




And, dont know if you noticed, but gasoline went up 8 cents a gallon from this morning. How convenient, guess Obamas 30 million barrel of reserve oil, was to make us feel good about cheaper gas thru the summer holidays..


Wait, what? A politician doing something to sway public favor? Well I never! Well at least you got to save a couple bucks for a couple weeks.

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IMHO, trial of the cnetury is the OJ or Lindberg baby kidnapping cases. But Caylee was left out to dry. While her mother is going free in a week. Really sad how justice can turn out to be. Victims are left out to dry. RIP Caylee as you deserved better than that! :(

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I have to say that while I didn't follow it intensely, as an avid news watcher/reader I was up to date the whole time. There was no way they could ever get a murder conviction. Two words: reasonable doubt. Given the circumstances of the body, it is 100% reasonable to doubt that the girl was murdered and definitely reasonable to doubt that her mother committed the act.


I don't like the outcome. I think someone is getting away with something here. I think the mom knows plenty more than she is telling - or perhaps her story about the drowning is true and her dad knows more than he is telling - but it's the system and we need to respect the system. If we could base guilt on the weird actions people take at various times in their lives, everyone would be in jail.

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