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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. Hill on a draw for 6 & a first down
  2. Took all of that time to say it is not challangable?
  3. Sadly, Stanley may be done for the year, his career might be over
  4. Andrews gets 7 and Harbs is going to challange again, to gain 2 yards
  5. Richard gets 3 for a first down
  6. Drake for 10, right up the middle as I have been saying all freaking game
  7. Wow what a catch by Robinson for a first
  8. 4th quarter, they try to run wide again, no gain
  9. Lamar to Drake for 5
  10. Duv fair catches at the 14
  11. Lamar looks real disinterested on the bench
  12. Delay of game
  13. Cheese, let him get 11, will they punt of fake the punt?
  14. 1:33 left in 3rd q
  15. 3rd and 14
  16. False start
  17. 3rd and 9, another chance to get off the field
  18. How do you leave him that wide open? Then a face mask on Clarke, 15 more yards
  19. There is one easy 1st down
  20. Odds on a 95 yard touchdown drive?
  21. Pick 6 please
  22. Wow, guess I'm an idiot, but we knew that
  23. Who is in the booth advising on these challenges? They need to be fired
  24. Harbs stupidly throws the flag to challenge the touchdback; moron
  25. Stanley hurt again on the sack, rolled up on the same ankle. Semor steps on the line for a touch back
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