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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. Hill really is useless, stop using him
  2. That's what happens when you hold that block for one more cpunt! Gus Bus!
  3. Yeah, best pass rush all season so far
  4. Put that ball away, jeepers...
  5. Camera man is way behind
  6. A 70 yard, 6 min drive for 7 would wear their defense down! Let's go gentlemen!
  7. Major rush! Peko and Ellis paying off by keeeping guys fresh!
  8. Too much run after contact even up the middle runs; get off the blocks! NICE SACK!
  9. Tackle him for crying out loud!
  10. I thought he was going to drop it down to Gus, who was wide open in the flat, good choice by him
  11. 10 plays, 90 yards almost 6 mins... Nice mix of run & pass...
  12. Dat is the ticket! Nice work Seth!
  13. Wow, such a simple run, yet he skates by
  14. One block held longer, just one!
  15. Nice, methodical drive, now finish it off right with a touchdown
  16. All right settle down Lamar! BeastDrew!
  17. There ya go! "Furst" Douwn! False start, ouch
  18. Have to catch it first Boyle... Man that would have been a big gainer
  19. I like those Camo Ravens hoodies, if someone wanted to buy me one for Christmas, I wouldn't complain...
  20. Good crowd noise, just a matter of time before one of the offenses break through then we will get a shoot out...
  21. Have to get off those blocks sooner, make the tackle at the los
  22. Roughing? Oh shot to the chin
  23. Nice pocket pressure, lane discipline= sack
  24. Could be or, he is finally comfortable in the system now. Peko and Ellis look good so far, they should be frezh. The question will be their conditioning in the 4th..
  25. Bad play, just use Lamar if you want to go for it.. Jeepers
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