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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. He was a practice warrior, catching everything. Sock did an interview with him at camp, after many great catches.
  2. what is it with bama players and conditioning? Lacy is the only one, I think, who hasn't struggled with it, so far, or is it just a Ravens thing? I'll hold my thoughts on the line until they put pads on and start hitting, so far though, not impressed at all.... saying some one appears better than Gino, using Shipley as a "solid back up" are not that encouraging.
  3. 99 days until kick off, tick tock, armed guards around the clock.
  4. Iv head of people doing this, "x" amount per post, additional if some one clicks the link. It's a pinkie trick, shame on you crav......
  5. all those commercials tucker, rice, flacco and company have done this year, man, the Ravens will be lucky to win 2 games with all that time not spent reading the playbook instead of director's lines......
  6. Rice will have a press conference tomorrow, Friday, at noon...
  7. may as well, byner is in there, jamal lewis is in there, they may as well put some of the members of this board in there too, they belong just as much as the aforementioned.
  8. hmmm, better than Lewis? I guess he has never seen Lewis play, 10 years ago he was a beast.... Better than some of the top linebackers in the game today? I doubt that very much, quite the over exageration coach, wink, wink..... I do understand he has the POTENTIAL to be very good. However, his inability to stay healthy in college, also shows a POTENTIAL to be a bust.
  9. He has been accepted into their prevention, pretrial program and avoids jail time, but this is an admission of guilt so now it is in the hands of the NFL.
  10. I saw the game, he owned Clowney, as did many large, athletic, techincally sound tackles. If he can stay healthy, he will be the right tackle, starting.
  11. I just heard his agent on Mike & Mike. apparently, or according to him, as per Mathis's doctor who had used this medication for fertility for over 20 years. Mathis only took this drug for four days in November, stopped taking it after he found ou his wife was pregnant and still has the left over medication from the prescription, likely a 30 day supply minus his four day use. Of note, Mathis was not the one with the "issue" of fertility, his wife was and due to her medical issues at the time, she could not take the medication. So I will take back my statement of his lying, but stand by he knew and should have followed the PROPER protocol for taking medications. He never even contacted his agent until the league suspended him.
  12. Yes, because calling the hot line, or their agent, or a member from the league council is so difficult...........
  13. For his lying, they should make it a 6 game suspension, maybe that will learn em....
  14. Apparently, the Opie net work, after speaking with the Rams, have put this on the back burner. This tells me, the deal was in place before he was drafted. Maybe Opie can run after Marhawn Lynch, who is having his own reality show,,,,,
  15. Again, all Mathis had to do, which every player is advised to do when wanting or needing to take a medication, is put in a request with the pertinent folks at the NFL HQ, and this would not be an issue. Instead, according to him, he asked his doctor if the meds would pass an NFL drug screen. Now, if you said it is out of bounds to expect a normal doctor to know which meds will or will not, I would agree.... As for Jones, no the Phins did not have to act as they have; indefinate suspension. What Jones saw on tv offended him. So the Phins could have sent a better message that we all need to be tolerant of others. Society today seems to think it is ok to punish people for not agreeing with certain things, but not hold others to the same standard. We are expected to accept all, except, or unless what another says is against societal norms for offensive. See, we have accept gays, blacks, jews, pols, women's rights, but not the right of another to not like them for what ever reason. To me, this is hypocritcal trying to force some one to think one way, be one way. If you accept the homosexual, you also have to accept the biggot. We cannot always help how we feel, what offends us or not.
  16. FYI, Sams' show on the Opie network has been postponed. apparently neither he nor his representatives told the Rams about the show when he was drafted, much to their chagrin I am sure.
  17. An exception would have been made if he asked the NFL FIRST. That is, IF this is true. For him to go from a career high 11 sacks to 19.5 at the end of his career makes one wonder. Take the four game and shut up, he knew, having been in the league this long, he just had to ask. So if anything he was stoopid and deserves the suspension. Now, if you want to complain about the Phins DB who was suspended indefinately just for tweeting some words over something he found offensive, now we can agree on suspending players players for food.....
  18. I've known about it for years Papa, so have most if not all of the college coaches, so a player would know by talking it over with their coaches. Remember, these kids are not deciding in one day, they have been thinking about it most of the season and likely speak with their coach just after the season, before bowl games, a full month or more befor ehaving to declare. Now, how quickly do they get the results? Specifics I dont know, though we could easily find out with some more research. But bet that it is in plenty of time to make an informed opinion without looking at Mel's or Todd's or Florio's mock drafts- ALL of which say are for informational, conversational purposes only. Florio is likely only writing his crap because his mock's don't the attention of those from ESPN.....
  19. Oh and I am not sure this was mentioned, but, Florio has done and does his own mock draft, so hypocrit anyone? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/04/24/pft-final-mock-draft/
  20. Yes, here is one "source" Im a bit busy to get a better one, but this will do. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NFL_Draft_Advisory_Board Florio knows this as well, so run with it............. As I said, he is just making noise to get hits, clicks, people watching his show.... Peter King should know better.
  21. Florio is a fake, just wanting the ratings, the hits & clicks. I know some people who USED to work for him; it's all about him. What he fails to mention is this FACT. Before these kids declare for the draft they, almost all of them, get an evaluation done by the NFL scouts as to where their draft status, if at all, might be... It has nothing to do with Mel nor McSnide. If any of them do rest on what the draft ninnies say, it is on them, not on Mel nor Todd. It is very common for the players, just like in the NBA, to get the eval, free.
  22. Im looking forward to seeing Mathews play under Kelly in that offense. He has the rea chance to be offensive rookie of the year. As for Rice jr, not likely to even make the first cuts.
  23. He would have been picked up as a free agent, even the Ravens were reportedly interested in bringing him into camp. Currently he 5th in line at the defensive end position for the Rams, behind four very productive players. They will not keep five ends, that is for certain, even if he can be productive on special teams, Listen, special teams may seem easy, but it takes a certain mentality to play, not everyone who plays football can play special teams, seriously.
  24. He is too slow, and does not tackle well in the open field. He might make the team as a special teamer, sure, but it will be about money, because of his orientation as Rm said. Most 7th round draft choices never make a team, most. Some do, but very, very few, historically.
  25. 3rd round Max? We covered this in the Sams thread when he came out, go look at that thread.. It was not the cover up you and many think, it was his play on the field. One good season and that was based on 3 games. He did nothing against good teams, that is why he went next to last in the draft. If the Rams felt so highly of him, why not draft him earlier in the 7th, the 6th, the 5th? He will be lucky to make the roster, and the thoughts may be, then, does he make the team because of the public outcry that will come if they cut him? He is under sized for a defensive end, too slow to be a line backer, no moves, not very strong, no agility. This is why he went almost undrafted, not because of his sexual orientation.
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