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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. If they stay at 17, unlikely, Ward should be there and should be the pick. However, I think they trade back with either Sanfran or the Iggles, for a 2nd or 3rd round pick. They currently have 8 picks, I don't think there are 8 players worth picking over trading up some where, meaning players 6,7,8 talent wise can be had via undrafted free agency....
  2. maybe they should let him pick the player too, he might have better luck than Ozzie in the 2nd over the years........
  3. That depends on the situation. In this case, it falls under the rules of conduct detrimental. In this case, max four games, min, if he takes the deal, 2 games. Now, were he to go to trial and be convicted, then likely 6-8 games. On the field he has more sawy with the rules, that is the difference.
  4. 2 game suspension likely, entering the program is, essentially, admitting guit according to the NFL
  5. this move will have zero affect on what the team does in the draft or even in free agency after the draft. As max says, & you proposed, depth, a shot in the dark. They like him personally and want him to succeed. You need camp bodies even now in OTA's. He could easily be let go if they find some one "better" between now & the start of the season.
  6. 10-6, with them needing to win the last 4, likely, to finish with 10 wins....
  7. It wasnt just for the altercation. He could not grasp the playbook, the routes, same as in NE where he was often out of position. That is why he didn't get many catches with Tom Brady, he was never where he was suppose to be....
  8. black balled? he couldn't cut in NE, known for resurrecting careers. Oh then there is his age and attitude... there is no comparision with Smith.
  9. Yep, I think the players are now starting to see they screwed up. Now, will the owners want the change? Seems there is some barganing to be done, more work outs with coaches, owners get to set one player aside who will only count sat 50% of his salary against the cap.......
  10. the players wanted this, not just the union. now, they get what they asked for oh and a ton of injuires & crappy play to go along with it......
  11. but, but he has a source..................
  12. Correct, things get canceled all the time, the NFL had to go on what was planned for this year, last year. I know the NFL has been talking about moving the date of the draft back, this year was a test of sorts, given the venue was already scheduled by some one else..... I just hope pinky doesn't try to release the schedule early again...............................
  13. Um not entirely, there is a contract that the MSA gets a % of the concessions. Believe me, if you are this worried about a few tax dollars going to waste, there are bigger fish to fry, far more money, tax payer, being wasted. it doesn't cost much to make this into a softball field espcially since it is the new field turf, artificial.
  14. well then, maybe he needs a bigger place to hold this event.
  15. Web is no Lewis. Lewis could hold an event on the moon and the kids would show, fans would show. There is a lot that goes into "getting a field" even if you have an "in". The dates available were not likely condusive for the event. I am not sure what the fuss is about, the tax payers will get their money back so to speak in the form of vending sales.
  16. That past years were a "flop" not many city residents could make it out of aberdeen, nor many from this side of beltway. So having it at M & T will bring in more people which should equal more money for the kids. Or at least more money for the people who are trying to help the kids..... but then, I am biased when it comes to charities and their monies....
  17. much ado about nothing me thinks... a women drinks too much, smokes too much ends up somewhere she did not expect, has no idea how she got there and swears no sex was involved..... yeah, quite odd, pay day that went arye perhaps?
  18. RBG, look at it this way. It is more the "catch radius" (a popular phrase today), of Smith that holds him back. Currently, the ball has to just about be perfectly placed for him to catch it, go uncontested. Unlike many of the other receivers mentioned who can catch the ball thrown outside of their body frame, who can take the ball away when contested. Pita is an excellant example. One reason the Ravens upped him is because he does just that, has a huge catch radius. Smith has shown flashes, but he still struggles to find the ball in the air on deep routes and if the ball is thrown outside his frame, it will not be caught. He "flails" his arms when on a deep route and trying to adjust to the ball. All this leads to his ranking today, which I agree, he is not top 10, maybe even not top 15, and certainly only a #1 because of the way the Ravens play and because they have no one better right now. Maybe that will change with Steve Smith on the team... who knows...
  19. Some times when coaches are talking to the media, they are taking to their players. I think this is the case here, hoping Miles hears this and steps his game up; time will tell.
  20. Papa, listen to his answers carefully. He clearly NEVER denies hanging around gang members. No one, not even NJ.com ever said he WAS a gang member. Yet Steven A and Jackson allow that statement. ESPN even made a statement on air, after this interview to clear that up. This was a piss poor interview, as usual from Smith. Look, as I have said, I think and from all accounts he is a good guy, not involved in gangs, but yes, does have some "homies" who are gang members. No big deal. However, on the field, as told by the team, by his ex teammates, by people who know him, he is a different person, a cancer on the field, in the locker room. TO came off with great, passionate interviews lookiing like a lost puppy. TO is actually a very nice, good guy, off the field..........
  21. Um, who said he was a bad guy? Not the Eagles, not because of his gang ties, they said plainly, they did not want to trade him and push his bad attitude on another team, so they released. Now, as I have said, was some of that based on his gang ties? Sure, but most of it is also as I have stated, because he was a locker room cancer. His former teammates have backed up that statement. Again he is wrong, there is not hypocrisy here. he needs to learn the definition of that word, or you do. There is no comparison to what Cooper said and what Jackson is; a team cancer. There is no help for the NFL to offer, no team to offer to some one who is a "me" person. There is a drug program, there ar eother programs for anger and such, but no programs, nor can there be, for "me" players. So there is no hypocrisy, no relation. They did man up, publicly, and say his attitude was bad, he was not good in the locker rom, and that is why they chose not to trade him, why they released. No one on the Eagles, publicly, ever said anything about gang ties. That came from NJ.com, not the Eagles. Now, we can speculate all we want to, to say the Eagles leaked the info.... but publicly,no.
  22. Ward is definately the better player, the Ravens might have to trade up in the 2nd to draft him with several teams, including Buffalo, in need of such a safety. If the Ravens view him as that valuable, I would, they would trade down in the first, if possible, or to the early second and nab him. However, there are one or two more safeties just as versitile, / athletic, good in coverage. Fuller comes to mind. While he played corner at VT, he can be moved to safety, tackles well and his coverage, while his younger brother is far better, is outstanding.
  23. No, no one from the Eagles said it publicly. They stated their lawyers told them not to, for fear of defimation lawsuits. However, there is quite the coinkidink about his release and the timing of the story, leading many to think, my self included, that they leaked some info to the news paper in hopes of quelling any fan up roar over the release of one of their best players.
  24. Ok, let me put it this way. On one hand we have a player great with teammates & coaches who had one bad incedent. On the other, we have a player, a great friend to many, an over all good person as told by many who know him, but is a cancer in the locker room and on the field. Which one woould you keep?
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