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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. I have to say, shocked they would be looking to bring Dixon back. His questionable hands, poor routes and average at best attempts to block all speak to not needing him. Daniels is out there, as mentioned in the article, a good blocking te in Furstenberg is on the roster and the draft is 3 rounds if not four rounds deep with tight ends all better than Dixon.....
  2. Pepper him with insults just because he left? I was never infavor of drafting him, didn't like his attitude in college, thought it would carry over, guess it did. You can pin the wins on him all you want, all you are doing though, is doing exactly what you claim I, and others are doing to him, only in reverse. He was not the reason they won, nor is the reason they lost last year. My point always was and will be, he was over hyped, has not realized his potential, largely because he has a bad work ethic, Why get so defensive about the guy, I now ask you? I never said which tackle he was better suited for, only that thereason the team drafted him was for the left side. Yes his quickness is there, but without proper direction, it is good for nothing. Yes, he can get to the 2nd level, but is almost always off target/out of position and misses those blocks. He has no strength, reason why he cannot move anyone off the LOS, why? Because he does not put the proper work in the weight. These were the same questions that surrounded him coming out of college, but the Ravens took a chance on him, just as they took a chance, albeit much, much smaller, on Gaither. I am only comparing the two in regaurds to their work ethic, not in the types of people they are.
  3. Oh please, Kip Vickers could have helped this team wina Super Bowl two seasons ago, does that mean he was good? No, Oher was drafted to be a left tackle, but he did not put the work in needed, just as Gaither. So they bounced him to the right tackle in hopes that would 1) spure him on to put more effort into his training and 2) solidy the line. Neither happened. On talent alone you saw how "good" he was, with more effort he has the tools needed to be excellant. That is not just my opinion and no I do not rank players based on what a TEAM did.....
  4. Yes, his work ethic is and was questioned, but the media wouldnt dare touch the darling.
  5. that is only because the earthers put it on a diet.....
  6. Google makes this too easy---- http://twentytwowords.com/massive-australian-earthworm-can-grow-up-to-9-feet-long-7-pictures/
  7. Yeah, the hype was all from the movie. In the end he ws not much different than Gaither; size, talent but no heart.
  8. Depends on how long he is....... does a 35 year old hamstring work the same a 25 year old one? something about chickens & counting comes to mind....
  9. You would think he would have learned......
  10. He was misquoted, what he said was that the Skins were going hard after Sproles as a free agent, not to trade for, they have little to no draft picks.... Smith has said he would love to play here, that this was one of the teams he wanted to join; thus Adam's statement that Baltimore is a front runner.
  11. True, Ozzie will make his pitch and leave it that given his age and even his size. Smith offers, even at his age, the quickness the offense needs from the slot. They have speed but no quickness. Edelman has some quick feet, but still struggles to get off press coverage. Frankly, I would rather they just wait it out and draft. Another thing Smith brings is his ability to block, well, something missing from the receivers....
  12. Not a steal, but a good deal for him & the Ravens. Seeing what some other MLB's got today and yesterday, there was not much more for him out there....
  13. He is still in town, after getting in last night and meeting with some of the coaches.... Meanwhile in the bat cave, they are speaking with Eldeman's reprs as well.....
  14. Eh, meds don't mean anything, neither does the malcontent label a team uses to ditch a fan favorite and the teams most prolific receiver in team history. He would be a stop gap here while the drafted wide out and the other young players currently on the team grow.
  15. 5th round pick, pretty cheap. I don't know if she will love Phili, not everyone does. She did have a point though, tell him for the past few weeks he will be released, only to, at the last minute keep him as trade bait....
  16. Barring anything major, expect Smith to be a Raven by the end of the day..........
  17. Let us see if he 1) makes the team and 2) improves his play, his strength, to get playing time.
  18. For unknown draft pick at this time..
  19. FYI, Da Raiders, only them, lost their high priced tackle, he failed his physical and is now going to sign back with the Rams.... I think this was a blessing in disguise for the Raiders, that contract was crazy......
  20. Good move, he earned with his play, a good reward for hard work backed up by timely play. Now, can he earn it going forward..........
  21. The raiders over spent as well, far over spent for an aging player who can't stay healthy and might be a better guard than tackle... But then it is Da Raiders.....
  22. Agreed, top at what I would pay, but then I am a desk jockey. Once Albert went for 9 mil, and the other for 7.5 or less, his value went down. Now for Owen Daniels......
  23. Pretty much a done deal for Monroe, let us see if Kubs goes after Daniels now that he is released. Love to see him here, good enough blocker, runs great routes and has super hands. Albert took the most money, both per year and guarenteed..... The rest are around the 6-7 mil mark, Monroe shouldn't be more than that, ......
  24. HMH, I'll take Bill Polian's word over a reporter's, albeit a well informed reporter. Monroe is a C grade from Bill. Grub you are correct, he would be or could be better with a better guard next to him, sometimes that is all it takes is the right match next to a player on the line. Time will tell....
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