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Everything posted by tsylvester

  1. Max, I was over it when they invented the PSL and coerced, yes the right word, fans into buying them.
  2. There is a very good chance he is there for you folks. Frankly, while he is the best, he is the best by a slim margin. This draft is packed with excellant tight ends, some soon to be great with the right coaching, who came out too early and just need a little time.
  3. I sure hope they do not over pay for him. There are a number of better tight ends in the draft, the top one likely available at 17, another very good one in the 2nd if they choose to wait. Should b interesting to see if they get him signed before the draft and if that deision makes a difference on who they or if they draft at 17.
  4. Well, take the combine with a grain of salt, but his results are closer to 6th, 7th round draft pick if at all,,,,,, Maybe his proday will improve things, I doubt it... Now the excuses come out, pardon the pun- he was too distracted from all the interviews about being gay..... yeah sure, tape doesn't lie.... against poor teams he did well, against good teams he was a no show....
  5. FYI, Kouandjio failed his physical with many teams; bum knee that did not take well to the surgery... stay away..
  6. No, again, slowly for you. We do not know if he is already in the program, got it? The NFl keeps that confidential, in simpler words- they don't tell the public, they can't because of the rules in the CBA-Collective Bargaining Agreement. Also in that agreement are rules governing arrests & drug tests. Those two are seperate items. We do not know if he has failed ahy drug tests. Drug tests, that is, done by the NFL not by the police- again, two seperate issues. If the charges are dropped, yes, nothing will be done by the NFL in all likelyhood. HOWEVER, and this is the last time I will say this and address you since you cannot have an adult conversation; in all likelyhood, he will plead out, this means plead guilty to a lesser charge. IF he does, then the NFL, according to the rules in the CBA, has no choice but to suspend him and fine him for conduct detrimental to the league. This carries, in most caes, a two game suspension and fine. IF he has failed an NFL drug test and, they test him again and he fails, it is an automatic four game suspension, again, as outlined in the CBA. GOT IT? There are no best case or worst case scenarios and yes, you were misinformed. As for what your alter ego stated, we are talking about the same thing. He, like you, think pot should be legal. As I stated, agains slowly for you so you can understand, it would not and does not matter if pot were legal, currently the NFL has it and many other substances, some legal, against their rules for use. Just, as I said, as do many professions. Crayon maker may not be covered, so you are safe.
  7. There are a number of things, such as over the counter medications, that are legal to take, but still banned by the NFL. Just because something maybe be legal for the non-NFL person, does not mean they can take it. Even in Colorado where pot is legal, the police and EMS personell cannot use it,nor can doctors, nurses, etc. Every job has rules, prohibits the use of certain things that are perfectly legal for everyone who doesn't work at a particular place. It is called life....
  8. No, I am not talking about worst case, I am talking real, actual rules per the NFL. If he is already in ther program, it has to be a two game suspension. If he is not and pleads out, he goes into the program and still can be suspended for conduct detrimental, which is no less than two games, no more than 6. Stop calling names, maybe you will learn something.
  9. Sorry, but incorrect., There is no way to know if he is already in the program, they keep that private. If he is, he will have an automatic 2 game suspension, and that is the only way we will know were he stands in the program. This is all IF, he tests positive and He pleads out. If he waits for a court date, the NFL will hold off on penalties until after the court date, If he is found guilty, then he will get a four game suspension, This is all based on him not being in the program already. If he is already at stage two, goom bye for up to six games.
  10. The Ravens had high hopes (pun intended) for him. Wanna play the game, follow the rules, whether you like them or not. I know the % of drug use in the NFL is, wait for it, high, but jeepers, be smart about about. They, the NFL makes it easy for them to pass a test, so does the law, just don't do stupid things to get you attention.
  11. Ok, here is one way to look at it. If, I stress if, she passed out due to alcohol and not from his slap (it has to be an upper cut tech, she is taller I think), then, the proper way to lay a person down is on their stomach. This way, should they aspirate, vomit, they will not choke on said vomit. Let us all step back and wait to see 1) if she truly was unconscious and not faking it 2) her condition was due to his slap 3) it was a slap, a knee jerk reaction done with alcohol involved and not a sober punch. I am not saying to excuse him, but we need all the facts. So many love Suggs, have looked past his multiple encounters with the law in regards to hitting his girl. With domestics, sometimes what looks like fact, is not fact.
  12. Webb they will likely keep, corners are hard to find and he both covers & tackles well, not too mention,a great blitzer; worth the money. Ngata, differetn story. His injuries have occurred each of the past two seaons, the types that A) don't heal quickly and B) take away his strength & power... That is what made him great. Now, he is being driven off the LOS five, eight yards down field. Or, moved out of the way easier. He either should take a sweet deal or let him hit the bricks. Big DT are pretty easy to find and the Ravens have several waiting in the wings.....
  13. Stats can be and often are misleading. Most of those came in the first half of the season against poor teams. Others came down field when he was beat to the outside. Tackles are much like a qb completion %. If a qb only completes 50% of his passes in a game, most who did not watch it will say he stunk. However, if he throws 24 passes and a legit eight passes are in & out of the hands of a receiver, is that truly on the qb? If a defensive lineman makes a tackle 10 yards down field when he should have made it at the LOS, if that really a good thing? I mean the hustle is good, making the stop, sure, but a blown assignment is also very important.
  14. Teams have not game planned for Suggs in a few years. It wasn't just last year, he can be blocked now with one person. He gets sucked in on almost every run play with dive action. He has reached the point in his career where it seems he can do what he thinks is right, rather than staying with the scheme. It is almost as if he is back to his rookie year when he could not hold the edge on outside runs. Instead not, he just isn't there because he got sucked inside; bad, very very bad for an end. As I said, I hope I am wrong and he can 1) stay within the scheme 2) play consistantly for most if not all of the season, other wise this was a bad deal. Also to keep an eye on is Dummervil, can he stay healthy, be consistant, neither of which he was last season and be the force he is being paid to be? If not, the Ravens will have a white whale at the defensive end position with all the money between the two.
  15. Most would agree with you. However, if you look past, I know we shouldn't, the sucess, last year's Super Bowl was very, very lucky in many ways, as most are, no doubt. However, the past five draft classes have produced little outside of the obvious. While the team has won a lot of games the past six years, the play in the game has not been very good for the most part., I think a lot of it has come down to the play in the NFL, overall, is poor. But he is a HOF GM no doubt, I just think it might be time, and again, not just because of this move, that may or may not work out, rather because of many moves over the past few years that says we need a fresher set of eyes. Never developed a wide out, the line is a constant issue, has been for ever with this team, JO and Big Ed aside. Yes, we can point to Lewis, Reed, JO and say, how many GM's drafted 3 Hall of Fame players and kept them on the team for a majority if not all of their careers; not many. Just look at the "busts" for lack of a better term. High draft picks that have been busts, first day, rounds 1-3 lately. Smith and Rice worked out, Smith still has a ways to go before he is a true wide out, Rice may be on his way down. Jimmy Smith, a penalty wiating to happen, Upshaw, has this year to prove him self or he will be gone. Cody, a waste of space. Really diving into the past few years we can see a decline in quality of play by the very players, role players, needed to make things work. It's just my fague opinion and realize is out of the box..... Food for thought...
  16. I agree, I know Boldin didn't want to take less money, but there were many ways they could have kept him and kept his cap hit low. Come on, it was only a 3 mil cap hit, a good money man can make that go away. As for Suggs, bad move, take the hit now or go with a shorter deal, which would have given him more money up front and reduced the cap hit a little more. History says he will not play all 16 games each of the next 3 years and beyond and if he keeps disappearing in the 2nd half of seasons, it is a complete waste of money. I hope I am wrong and he can be consitant, time will tell...
  17. It is false, you can see part of the truth there in their own article where the report states she hit him and he hit her on video. Had she been nocked out or even down, the police report would have noted it, which it did not. Also, by law, a medic unit would have to have been called had she lost conscousness....
  18. It dropped, yes, but to the level it would have been if they straight out released him and only for one season. Now they carry that same number for each of the next five seasons; what a waste. I am starting to think Ozzie needs to retire.....
  19. five years? major, major mistake by the Ravens. Not sure Suggs would have gone for a 2 year extension, but the money would have been better for the Ravens and less risk. This is crazy.
  20. police reports are open, supposedly rice slapped his girl in the face, either before or after she slapped him.... cameras tell the truth... i do think this will be made to go away and nothing more will come of it. even so, hitting a woman, no matter the reason, not good...
  21. Ebron is a tight end, a good blocking tight end who is also a great receiving option. Not having a good blocking tight end on the team has hurt the run game... Another reason I like Mathews, at Vandi, he had to do a lot of blocking as well; he loves it....
  22. PB never lost a step Max, it was his shoulder that never healed properly, he developed bersitus in it, a killer when needing it for strength every day. Suggs though, is OK at coverage, nothing great, and certainly nothing over five yards......... I think it is a poison pill, if they cut him, they take the full hit now, if not, they just take nicks until he is gone in 3 years. As you said, 10 sacks nice, except they all came when the team least needed, at least, most of them did, same for Dummervil sacks as well Both players disappeared in the 2nd half, due to injury yes, but that is the point, they can't stay healthy; bad when you have to pay them top dollar.
  23. Bingo, the "hidden" secret the lemmings do not know.................
  24. 5 cents per hit does add up, except a majority of those hits/posts, are childish banter and only profit the pinky, not the entire hand..... me, I'll stick with people who can discuss football, all aspects of it, like adults even if it means a post per day rather than 3,000 per day of nothingness....
  25. a move that shouldnt be made, but I suppose has to be made. His age has caught up to him, not recovering from injuries quickly, injuries often, those muscle injuries are a killer and happen often after 30.... How long do they extend him? 2 years, give what, six up front, prorated out over 3 years, having him cost instead of $12 against the cap 5 or 6 mil for each of the next three years? Not bad if he can stay healthy and be consistantly productive......
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