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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by varaven45

  1. Crav, Cool! Weve got a room Friday nite in Westminster and will probably catch the Sat 845 practice. Hopefully, I can ctach up with you guys BTW-How long are the practices; 2 or 3 hours ? I am guessing they wrap up AM session by 12. Thanks for the poop !
  2. Crav, Do you have the day to day schedule of activities ? I am thinking of taking my son their on Friday afternoon or Saturday AM. He is actually a skins fan (he is beyond help !) and we agreed to split the Friday/Saturday into a Ravens/Skins visit. Any suggestions or insights (hold the sarcasm)? Thanks VARAVEN
  3. Exactly !!!!
  4. 52, Either most of us are judgemental or you are naive. I really hope we are wrong and Sergio turns out to be a fine young ballplayer. His track record and recent experiences would indicate otherwise. For all concerned, I hope you are right.
  5. This guy has the makings of another thug. I hope he isnt a another Ozzie top (2nd rd) pick gone bad. Ozzie seems to select one dud every 5-6 picks or so. If so, hopefully Cody, Reed, Dickson, Pita and Ramon soften the blow. Not counting out Sergio yet but he sounds like a total screw up who was passed over in the first round for good reason.
  6. Yep and bingo on the "Reed" deal. That has "potential cancer" written all ovder it. Think about it: Future HOFer creating dissension and undermining the organization. I love Reed but he needs the gag order and these little side discussions (Reed, Troy Smith, Bulger) need to get flushed down the toilet. The other vets - Birk, Mason, Ray need to sit these boys down and explain the facts of life. Johnny Unitas must be rolling in his grave !
  7. Cool Bmore ! I am also looking at $80 for lower level tix. This trip is loking better all the time. VARAVEN
  8. Crav, The almighty $ speaks again ! $ continues to ruin pro sports; next college football (if it hasnt already)
  9. This Reed thing has me concerned particularly from a chemistry standpoint. Here we are looking at a very promising season, pieces of the puzzle falling in place, and now Reed starts to mouth off. Somebody needs to give him the gag order. As our old friend, Sock (rest in peace) used to say, you cant underestimate the importance of character and chemistry. These are two important core team values that Mr Reed is beginning to undermine.
  10. The pre-season accolades and kudos are all flattering. Im sure Crav is loving it, too. Admittedly, I like the attention and feel we are getting our due. At the same time, D-Mason's comments and overall expecations can also be a recipe for disaster. For example, what if the team loses the first two (at Jets & Cinci) ? In my opinion, we will be fortunate to split those games. My point, the attention is good so long as its kept in the right perspective. I am in the camp that you dont get too far ahead on this stuff. An injury here, an injury there - e.g. Ray Ray goes down, our CB's struggle, Graham/Cundiff miss a couple GW FGs, Flacco goes down for few games, Ray Rice is out for a significant stretch. Just saying. All that said, I dont see this team going 14-2 (sorry Crav). I do see a 10-6 or 11-5 (best case), if we stay healthy and the planets align.
  11. Thanks max !
  12. A buddy of mine (& Falcons fan) and I are going to Georgia Dome for Nov 11 game (Thursday night). We are looking at scoring lower level tix (corner end zone). They look very similar to M & T seating arrangements. Not having been there before, I was wondering if these lower level seats were decent - thee are only about $100 each. Anybody been there, sat near those areas ? Thanks for reply VARAVEN
  13. Crav, The Zorn situation reminds me of a past employer of mine who once informed me about a new project manager (supervisor). After giving me the "heads up" about the new boss, he tried to comfort me by saying "well, this new boss may not help you, but he wont hurt you". Looking back on it, it all makes sense now. We were in a huge office (system) and the guy neither hurt or helped. Maybe that will be Zorn and the Ravens. The system is so deep,strong that Zorn probably wont have much of an impact.
  14. This dont mean squat. This seems skewed towards the over the hill (30 yr) guys. I wonder how we stack up using the mean age of team. I suspect we are "middle of the pack".
  15. Crav, I never cared for George or his style. Plus I hated the Yanks. Still, the guy knew how to win and you got to give him his due. May he rest in peace !
  16. Crav, All we need now going into the season are a few Brian Billick comments like "going into the lions den with a freakin spear", or "screaming like a banshee". GO RAVENS !!!
  17. Sweet ! Where do I order my game and plane tickets, hotel reservations ?
  18. After commenting on our SB season of 2000, Max, I would actually prefer to be "off" the radar screen. The Bengals are the reigning AFCN champs and in my mind are still champs until they get knocked off. The Bengals improved themselves in the offseason and will be very solid this year. They should be rated ahead of us. Bottom line: I would rather us be "the hunter" like we were in the 2000 season, instead of "the hunted". Dont forget we open with the Jets and Bengals on the road. We could very possibly be looking at 0-2 to start the season. Not expecting it but it could happen. Just saying.
  19. Crav and Max, I cut my dinner short last night to come home and watch the show. It was awesome ! After watching the show, it really gives you a tremendous appreciation for just how special and unique that 2000 team was. I am convinced we will never, ever see a D like that again in the NFL. It was a thing of beauty to me ! Also, Billick, in spite of all his critiques, was the perfect coach for that team. He got way too much flack for being a pompous ass and blowhard. I personally met BB, shook his hand, got a photo shoot, and his autograph (on his leadership book) during the 2001 traning camp at McDaniel. He was very cordial and friendly and did a good job of handling Preston during the Q&A session and Qs involving Dilfer's release and the Grbac signing. Good stuff !!
  20. Max and Crav, With the uncertainties in the NFL negotiations and his overall health, I say Reed has one more year - thats it - to snag a SB ring. I would love to see him play more but Reed has to concern himself with life after football. Personally, I would be happy if we get one more productive year from Ed. Life after Reed and Ray Ray is practically upon us. Lets hope the young guns on D are ready to step up.
  21. Yep. Its time to prepare for life after Reed. We better get used to it, cuz it will be life after Ray Ray soon thereafter. Its not happening all at once, but our organization and fans need to be realistic and strategically prepare for a changing of the guard on the D. Lets face it, Reed has been a walking deadman for the past couple of years. He consistently dishes off the rock after an INT for fear of further damaging his neck. He has made a few ill advised fumbles in the process which still pale in comparison to his huge game winning/changing plays over the past decade whihc will make him a first ballot HOF. Still, his best is clearly behind him. On a positive note, I think we have a good blend of youth and veteran presence on the D side of the ball. You cant replace Ray or Ed but only prepare for the transition. I think we are doing that well.
  22. Interesting move ! I thought Harris ditched us and we settle for Hamlin. Either way, I like the added secondary depth. The Biscuit and Oz are on a roll !
  23. Cleetz, No you cant but do yourself a favor and watch Hamlin in that game. I saw enough. If we get Hamlin for anything other than depth or are seeking a major contrbution from this guy, you are delusional and our D is in trouble and will be exposed all season. If he starts, get the opposing Q on your fantasy team that week !
  24. Extra body - like an innings eater pitcher in baseball and big clumsy center in basketball to eat up some fouls - I get it. If thats what we are doing, fine. If not , we are in big trouble. Go back and watch the Boys game and Hamlin is absolutely McClain's bitch on that run. Its actually funny as hell to watch. Wish I could pull up on you tube -its a scream !
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