TSyl, I really appreciate your points - all of which make sense. I really believe there is a very fine line between winning and losing in today's NFL. Just look at all our games this year. The lack of discipline and attention to detail has certainly cost the team dearly. And when you lack the talent - say as Cincy - and the discipline/attention to detail - NE- then your margin for error is razor thin. Moving forward, I don't see our fortunes changing until the FO actually "kills" the draft and acquires significant FA s for at least consecutive years. It will likely take at least 2-3 years before we have stockpiled enough talent to expect, rather than, hope to win. The NE, Denvers will take our current place as the irrelevant ones. A team's good fortune is cyclical and this organization is at or nearing bottom. We will see the bottom this year I believe and next year we'll begin to see marked improvent. I have too much confidence in the organization to expect anything less. in the meantime, I'll keep rooting for my team, knowing there's a lot of pride and good times ahead. It's like the recession: we've been there, we'll endure, and get on the other side before you know it.