Crav, you got it. The O's ain't spending squat and will play with the hand they got. If you are cool with that, you'll get that 80 wins at the end of the season.
Suggs will be allright. He just needs a couple weeks of detox bootcamp, Afterwards, he and Doom should be ready to chase the "arses" of Manning, Ben, Dalton, etc.
DC, Agree with your farm remarks. Its too bad the Os didn't snag or pursue Price or anyone significant for that matter. Of course, the FO never (or hardly ever) does make a splash. Last year's signing of Andrew Miller was a helluva aberration for the FO. Looks like we're playing with the hand that we were dealt. Go get em Buck ! .
Based purely on paper and last year's stats, we got this game won hands-down. It's a new year and its played on the field. This will be another grinder.
The AFC looks to have a bunch of teams clustered around 10-6 or 9-7 and that will get you to the dance. And maybe a SB. We seem to be in that group and with a healthy, strong secondary and an effective WR/TE corps, this might be a special season. Those two- secondary and receiving corps - will make or break our season.
Fwiw - Joe's a good to very good QB. No more, no less. Good enough to win us a SB and maybe another. Who gives a damn whether he's elite and whether we think or don't think he is. So long as he keeps winning, who cares. Joe s a winner and a good to very good QB and for that I'm damn glad he's a Raven.
Me neither but inevitable with PA and his henchman Duquette at his side. So long as PAs in charge, making dough, and putting enough butts in seats to make profit, it'll be more of the same. I'm surprised Buck has stayed around this long. It's a dang shame.
Well, fwiw, ESPNs Colin Coward is having a man crush on Flacco right now; says he has the best NFL arm and in the top 5 of guys no team wants to face in the postseason. I m starting to warm up to Colin Coward !
Crav, I see the Tigers are shopping your boy (& former Ray) David Price. I know PA is too cheap to sign him but how would you like to see him in an O's uniform ? I know, slim to none and slim left town. Still, nice to think about !
Yep, and make a move or two that we didn't make in the offseason. But wait; Angelos is the owner and he ain't doing squat. But watch the teams whose owners actually care and want to win. Meanwhile, we will be left wondering what happened and why we didn't snag this guy or that guy.
This team needs to rediscover its damn MOJO. Maybe they find it after All Star break. Still, the lack of preseason moves and continue to haunt the 2015 squad.