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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by varaven45

  1. Agreed . Somehow the team needs to rediscover its mojo and soon
  2. Amazingly, we score 4 runs off arguably the ALs hottest pitcher on Sunday; then can't score squat off Os castoff Marty Feldman tonight.
  3. Max, Fathet Damien must have shown up, and the exorcism was a success. Os win, O's win Os win !
  4. Where's Father Damien when you need him, Max?
  5. He looks like the (W)right guy to me
  6. DC : you got it; I'll keep venting after our pitchers serve up TD and FGs and you can chime in after the occasional quality start. Actually, I chime in after both wins and losses; not just after wins. Definitely not a homer but a realistic optimist . Sarcasm aside, I like the grit of Buck and this team but still a tad annoyed over the FOs failure to land a single quality FA in the offseason, and settling for leftovers instead . Which is a damn shame after winning the AL East. Imagine what the team would do with a passionate owner.
  7. Slick move- I like it . Go oz !
  8. It looks like our pitching staff is at it again, giving up runs by touchdowns and field goals . Maybe that's an omen - I need to be focusing more on ravens talk
  9. Yep. Actually, the Yankees and a mediocre bunch. Yet they'll win the weekend series as the Os work their way out of this general malaise. The team desperately needs someone to put em on their back and get it off the damn Schnide .
  10. For anyone watching the O's these days, they look like the walking dead. Damn scary looking bunch right now.
  11. Time will tell but You certainly have to love the influx of receivers and tight ends going into this training camp. 2015 could be a lot of fun
  12. Good weekend indeed Max . A weekend series win by the O's and an excellent driaft by the ravens is just what the doctor ordered for Charm city
  13. Kudos to Ozzie on an excellent draft. Would have liked a higher rated RB and CB, but you can't have it all. All in all, excellent draft !!!
  14. Nice change of pace from Forsett. Good 1-2 combo ! Good job OZZIE !
  15. varaven45


    Eh uh ok. Love the first 2 picks though !
  16. Damn right !!!!!! Go OZZIE !
  17. 11:00 pm at this rate
  18. Let's get this party started
  19. On a mini win streak eh ? What's that; three in a row ?
  20. Indeed. Big win and Mo changer for team
  21. Nice way to take out frustration on sox pitching staff. Plus, I like when we score in TDs and FGs.
  22. Team playing as bad as I've seen the last 2 years. Pitching staff is giving up touchdowns, infield playing like bad news bears. Offense out of synch. The good news is this team cannot play any worse. Can it ?
  23. Max, agree on your point about the draft making or breaking this team. Ozzie and Co need to hit it out of the park.
  24. Just another affirmation of the NFLs love for Bmore
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