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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. I totally agree. I would do a skills challenge between the AFC and NFC.
  2. Philthy is trash. That div should be religated.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/nevada-mans-covid-19-reinfection-223155707.html We are so screwed.
  4. I hear ten has closed their facility again bc a coach tested positive. Just forfeit the game.
  5. Then get Brown and deverney on the field and same side at th3 same time. Let dev go uncovered down the field.
  6. 14 day quarantine would be effective. Info on the vaccine. It could be yrs before we get back to normal. https://news.yahoo.com/first-vaccine-approval-then-chaos-190702314.html
  7. But had they kept the virus out of the country for the most part the ecom8inic shutdown would have been more limited. Also you make the argument about how this helps. You explain the situation.
  8. Maybe. But why doesn't everyone get the same treatment options. So Trump is running the country like he runs a business. This is the part where the bankruptcy takes place.
  9. They should have done what other countries that gotvto the other side did. When intelligence says this is coming start hardening boarders. If traveling from another country you have to quarantine for a period to prevent transmission. But if you were lacks you then push for a national shutdown and then implement the hardening of boarders once clear of the virus.
  10. Nice game. Cindy should be good in.a couple yrs.
  11. Beautiful end around. Nicely designed.
  12. The players safety is not a concern. The liability from the players getting sick is a concern.
  13. I have not heard if he coughed on rush but he did sound bad from clips I have heard.
  14. He prob caught it 2 weeks ago today. Last night he was coughing on Hannity.
  15. They can get a civil war started and have crazies try to kidnap a governor.
  16. It has not been quiet on the titans. I think they need to start taking l's. Also the team needs to lose tv deal money for games missed.
  17. Flies are attracted to bullshit.
  18. It can easily be worked out. But there has to be someone directing that push. As we have seen in the past that side of the ball is ceded away to the oc.
  19. I dont remember that. Just looked. It was last yr that he was hired. Seems to be another friend of harbs. https://www.baltimoreravens.com/team/coaches-roster/david-culley
  20. Dont count it out yet. Remember Herman Cain was getting better before he cratered. It was like 8 days after diagnosis.
  21. I would hope Harbs would go to Roman and say we need to be more dynamic with the passing game. Discuss the skill sets of the WRs on the roster and figure out which skill sets mesh to get the most out of who is there. Roman has always been a run guy. Maybe Harbs should ask if he needs a passing game consultant.
  22. Get snead out of the slot. Get porche in. Brown and deverney should be on the same side of the field and be on the field at the same time. It is hard to cover two blazers at once. One takes the top off the d while the other plays intermediate. Do a lot of this out of th n8ng formations and really make defences decide what they want to take away.
  23. The economy is going to be crap with cheeto another 4 yrs.
  24. I think it is more that we need to use our wr corps better.
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