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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by papasmurfbell

  1. Yeah but it took them from 2 scores down to 3 scores down instantaneously.
  2. Yep no proof the native amaericans were wiped out by European imagrants.
  3. No I just could not decifer what the hell you were talking about. Can you hook me up with giberish to english translation?
  4. The proved me wrong. That was an amazing 1st half. Jones put the game out of reach to start the 2nd half.
  5. It is a damn shame Art was screwed again. I wonder if the Ravens had not been in NO if he would have made it.
  6. Jones was the dagger last night. The kick return was really put the game out of reach.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_Hs-gJvh6s
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  8. What? <I speak giberish because I have not common sense things to say?>
  9. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/least-10-restaurants-orleans-aren-t-willing-serve-202340405--nfl.html
  10. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/02/01/bucs-hire-dave-wannstedt-as-special-teams-coach/
  11. Personal? How do I have anything personal against him sice I have never met him? So the Nazis didn't have it burned so Hitler could consolidate power and be left unchecked?
  12. No I am talking about propoganda.
  13. Did Hitler deny burning the Reiztag?
  14. He appologized to the Ravens for introducing this company to Ravens players. He is high on Joe. He expects even more.
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  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=pzfAdmAtYIY
  16. Of course. In 2013 if he gets snaped up then in 2014 they have a OC in house.
  17. I have always thought who Ozzie finds as UDFA's has been amazing.
  18. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/30/hue-jackson-to-slide-over-to-coach-rbs-in-cincinnati/
  19. http://www.hulu.com/#!watch/450058#i0,p0,d1#i0,p0,d1
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  20. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/29/mike-flacco-wants-to-trade-baseball-for-football/
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