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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. I dont buy into the letter at all
  2. Might have told a lie but the truth didnt come out on video 6 months later.
  3. 35-7 Steelers
  4. We will be getting spanked, remember the 35-7 beat down we laid on Pitt a few years ago, I expect that type of outcome,
  5. LOL you're comical
  6. And the other thing that gets me, is if the NFL gave him two weeks, that to me means there was little evidence on Ray, but if they gave him 2 weeks and they were aware of the footage and still gave them 2 weeks, then they should be investigated, from Goodell on down.
  7. Im telling ya, the owners group is like the Mafia, you are not going to get one cornered and have one go rat on the other 30 owners...Look at Jerry Jones and those pics that were all over the net a few weeks ago..Funny you hear not one word about his conduct anywhere now.
  8. I agree T, and the more i fester this the more pissed off I get, Ive already texted my Cuz and told him he can HAVE my 4 tickets to Tampa, I dont want to go, this have affected me in a bad way..I hate being lied to, and to have some mickey fuckin mouse company like TMZ expose a giant, the ALMIGHTY NFL, well that just gets my goat..
  9. Rob, my Sister owns a Animal Rescue, my daughter also works there..They dog needs care and quickly!!!!! www.islanddog.com
  10. How can you get behind the team when the parent company(the nfl) is caught in a bold face lie? I cannot support that, and I know my 250 dollar renewal fee won't hurt the nfl, but it'll help me sleep better at night
  11. Im trrly contimplating cancelling the NFL Sunday Ticket
  12. Didnt that WR Stallworth kill someone and got 18 months?
  13. I dont care if she pissed, spit whatever, it doesnt warrant Ray hitting a woman
  14. So we fit that category
  15. I get its Steelers week, just not the same
  16. Just find it hard to comprehend that the league would come down so lenient on Rice, knowing that there was footage out there and once released, would leave egg on the nfl's face.. Or, did the NFL "payoff" the casino to not release the tape, but somebody got greedy and got a double pay day..
  17. Im just throwing out 100 questions here today.. Do DV victims have rights? dont they have to give permission of a DV act if caught on tape? Does she have any legal recourse vs Tmz?
  18. Doesnt "Conduct Detrimental to the league/team" come into play here? and if it does, isnt that a legal loophole for them to void the contract? Can the ravens go after Rice for the bonus money already paid?
  19. And if TMZ is correct that officials did see the footage, then shame on the NFL..But we'll never know the truth
  20. Fuck that Steel, yinz will kick our ass Thursday night, this is to big to sweep under the rug, thats why Im pissed off at the timing.
  21. So who to believe here?
  22. I guarantee they got it then
  23. I bought 17 tickets for the tampa game, I dont know if i feel safe going there in Ravens gear...Sadly thats the crap going through my mind now.
  24. The timing is just so piss poor, We can believe what we want but this isnt going away any time soon, and I wouldnt be suprised if it has an effect on our team and the season.
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