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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by cravnravn

  1. cravnravn


    Im glad dc had better luck then we had.,oh well we will try again later
  2. Just ss Evans play was a catch?
  3. cravnravn


    I know, we just qualified at 3.85%..We are heading out at 1pm today to search, even though we have already driven by the homes.. A MUST, I have to have a Ravens Room
  4. cravnravn


    Hey dc, whereabouts did you and the Mrs buy?
  5. And Webb can thank Ed Reed for the notiority, Teams adjust their game plans and threw away from Reed..Our Right side is going to be an absolute beast this year, and if Jimmy Smith plays like Webb, look out!!
  6. It is a huge find, if he was that highly thought of as a college player, he would have never made it to the late 3rd round.
  7. http://espn.go.com/b...h-ranked-player
  8. cravnravn


    Congrats dc! We go tomorrow to look at homes
  9. Alright, Ill read it, its on the Mrs Kindle Fire list, I'll wait til it hits the free side.
  10. Christ almighty I use Yahoo as my home page, when I click on Home it takes me to "Welcome to Nginx!" I go on Internet Options, and it shows Yahoo.com as my home page, Ive deleted browsing history, cookies, cache etc..And still takes me to Nginx. I have Windows 7 and use mainly IE although I have Firefox, and thats OK.
  11. Just read the article in the News forum.. Come on Ed, what the hell else you want 7.2 mil this year, get your ring then you and Ray waltz off into the sunset.
  12. Ed Reed is one tough cookie to guage..They cant give him an extension with his injury situation, yet on the other hand, I dont want to see him in any other uniform.
  13. Not reading any book that wants Unions done away with.
  14. Well??? How did it go, who listened?
  15. Mikey is Dr Jekyl & Mr Hide, he was all positive for Fox, wait til he gets on the Fan or 98 Rock and throws Joe under the bus like he always does.
  16. Thats what I got out of it, and it wasnt permanent.. Md State workers have furlough days which they must take, unpaid..Wonder if Ohio thought of that way, Im sorry but 5 unpaid days a year is not going to put someone homeless or have their utilities turned off, if it does, than that individual has other issues. I took numerous unpaid days off at UPS, and I turned out fine..
  17. Well thats real fucking brilliant, save tax dollars but pay the Co firefighters OT..
  18. My take on Picksburg, BallT..They will be starting 2 rooks at the guard positions, and have an oft injured center, they thought Ben was sacked alot last year, wait til this year.Its going to be a learning curve for the young o-line, and its at Ben expense. Troy P is not the same Troy as we used to hate, I actually felt sorry for him watching Teblow expose him.
  19. Ehhh Gads, well Oz, no one ever suggested you were a WR producing machine.. Come on TD Torrey make it so Jones dont see the field..That is alot of money to have on the pine though.
  20. I didnt see it til noon, I thought for sure Id see a get rid of Ray Rice while you can question
  21. Really? dam thats ridiculous.
  22. I couldnt or wouldnt have bitten my tongue.. JFC Frank, we have the winningest QB in the history of the NFL first four years, and the youngest QB in the history of the NFL to 40 wins, 4 trips to the playoffs, and 2 to the AFCCG.. And this dude wants him sat.
  23. I swear to god, there are either trolls with nothing better to do, or we have stupidass fans. [Comment From Frank Frank: ] we need to use tyrod more, hes an exceptional athlete with ability to make plays... why is he on the bench and barely plays...?
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