I gave my tickets to the kids. I want a Win!!! I don't care what kind of game it is or who's out there. Meaningless is meaningless to me! It's football...finally. WIN IT!!!
There's a lot to watch tonight and the defensive unit is high on my list. There will be a lot of new young faces and if this D is to turn the corner, then more than 1 or 2 new players will have to step up and shine this pre season. They have to get to a point where they can keep the Ravens in every game. The Panthers hi9gh octane O will be a good test.
yea...he's having camp problems... But when you wave black and gold in front of him, then he's a different man! Here's a good article by Joe Platania on 10 Ravens to watch Thursday night... https://www.pressboxonline.com/2016/08/10/ten-ravens-to-watch-in-preseason-opener-against-panthers
You were there in training camp 2000 when Adams broke through the line and plowed head on it a RB. You could hear the hit in downtown Westminister. He wiped him out. Everybody was afraid to look. Never saw or heard of that RB since. Ravens go on to win the Super Bowl. Let's bring it back...
For some reason I'm not able to pirate...um...plagiarize...nope, nope...wrong word....cut and paste! part of this article about Ravens fans all over the world... Here's the link... http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bs-sp-ravens-international-fans-0717-20160717-story.html