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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. This teams doesn't have 'Swagger". South Dakota almost came back from being buried. A team with Swagger would have destroyed them. I'm talking about this because they will meet some team that is intimidating and they wil have to not back down, fight it out blow to blow and intimidate back.
  2. That is one fabulous message.
  3. I read that this morning and I feel a lot better about this signing. Effort. That's all you can ask of anyone and this shows that his head IS in the game and that he takes pride in being the best he can be. I'm not worried about him anymore. It now falls on the line to protect Joe and on Joe and Wallace getting in sync. Then it's bombs away.
  4. Wallace could very well be a bust... There are tons of NFL players who are never the same, dedicated player once they get their money, Getting by, collecting a check, .... There's a saying: Their heads not in the game. I hope that is not true with Wallace.
  5. Love it! The more you give, the more you get.
  6. They look more like a Saturday Night Live lineup.
  8. Watson Weddel Wallace Watson Weddel Wallace Watson Weddel Wallace Watson Weddel Wallace Watson Weddel Wallace ................................... I'd say Ozzie and the front office are really pissed about last year. It's been a long time since an off season like this. It's weally wacky.
  9. Nevertheless.......One can dream.....
  10. Everything I hear is Perriman will be ready for camp and probably OTA.s. "As I see it...Wallace and Perriman are 2 big "If's" at the moment." We'll see.
  11. "Always one step ahead of you!"
  12. At the moment I feel good about this. Sick about the money, but what are you going to do? Rod Woodson had been in the league 11 years and was about 31 when the Ravens got him. Now...Woodson is a Hall of Fame player and Weddel isn't. But what are you going to do? Every safety on the roster has failed. They are a total liability. There is no brains, ability or ball skills back there. It was get Weddel or bring back Bruce Laird. Weddel and Webb Stay healthy My Friends..
  13. That's a universal statement. I don't believe that is universally true. But....For the most part , most addicts and alcoholics lose the depression once they get clean. Yes. I'm talking about addicts and alcoholics. Many other people with depression are chemically imbalanced and need medication. Tons of people. As with many things in life, there are exceptions. I have a friend who is a recovering addict, depression continued and he did need depression medicine. With it he's fine.
  14. Bryant's hitting bottom and depression sets in as he sees millions floating away.... I don't believe the depression spin for sympathy. Basically any alcoholic/addict can be diagnosed with depression. A lot of other things too. Buit this is good agent publicity spin to gain public sympathy and maybe some leniency from the NFL. Any of these guys....I hope they get help, get their lives in order and get their priorities straight. On one hand it's simple: Get off the drugs...you won't be depressed. On the other, it's not simple or they would have stopped the first time they got busted. They all need help.
  15. He sees signing an unrestricted FA as costing him 2 players to get one. I think he stays pat.
  16. 7 picks in the first 4 rounds.... That's not bad. Ozzie can do some good hunting in this years draft.
  17. No target date but Ozzie says he will play this year.
  18. This hurts that offense. "just draft a guy who can catch balls that are over his head and 10 yards away."
  19. There are now 9 TE's on the roster.
  20. The Mexican President's referral to Trump as another Hitler type is right on. Trumps a meglomaniac, who cares about nobody but himself, and sees everyone as inferior. He's just the kind of guy who would love to have his finger on the button and make the hard decision to push it. Like the people of Germany, we would be left answering to history how we could have put such a man in power. And...he's a great liar like Adolph.
  21. They need a LT........... Monroe did not impress me from Day 1. The best I can describe him as is "adequate when healthy".
  22. Joe needs weapons and he's a good one..... Very out of character but a solid move.
  23. "It's a travesty of justice in America I tell you! They can't get away with this!"
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