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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. $4.604 mil with the new CAP.
  2. Good. Keep it going. Cut anybody who makes the police blogger. Just keep cutting them.
  3. Make good sense...if you are a Browns fan. It's called "Reward Failure." Photo of vmax as a young lad....
  4. Time to admit it Browns fans....you haven't won since your Mayor and Lerner forced him out. Art wasn't so bad after all.
  5. LOL @ Green Bay
  6. hehee...love this one...
  7. I knew this was coming but damn...I'm depressed. Just flat out loved the guy. as a fan who sitis in the end zone you could feel his energy and attitude as he paced back and forth before a kick off. He's a key impact player who Ozzie brought in and the acquisition paid huge dividends. When Ozzie signed him after Houston gave up on him who would have known that he was going to be the one extra piece to a Super Bowl Trophy in Baltimore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_W6cWjyR3Y&feature=player_embedded
  8. "You can't make this stuff up folks..." That's it....seriously.
  9. I'm figuring that they only have 1 TE...Gilmore. Strong possibility Daniels goes to Denver. Pita is finished.
  10. Put this on the Indigenous Persons helmet....
  11. Good news! Wherever he plays...even if his snaps are limited...there will be production, dependability and Attitude. "Bunch of No Tackling MoFo's here!"
  12. "Now we can get Julius Thomas!"
  13. I don't like all those little dots on the Ravens helmet. Bad job. Can we just have a Raven or a flock of raging Ravens flying out of the fiery pit of hell on it? And how do the Giants rate an American flag logo? That's totally bs. Nice looking helmet, but if you're doing it for one team then do it for all. Remember the NFL's motto: Capitalize on Patriotism at every opportunity. The Dolphins helmet is terrible. The smoke coming off the Bronco should be coming out of the horses ass. Take the Native American off the Indigenous Persons helmet and put Snyders face on it. I see the bull dog on the Brownies helmet but where's the drool? Just my candid thoughts.
  14. Where can I find one?
  15. He's ok as a back up and for giving players a rest. He did a good job this year filling in. Nothing wrong with his toughness and grit. On running plays he does get pushed back at times. Teams will run at him on 3rd and short. Maybe it's his leverage and technique....maybe size and strength. Maybe they don't want to run at Ngata and Williams. But he is a fighter....love his attitude.
  16. From LaCanfora... They'd be left starting Williams, Jerrnigan and Tyson..Casey Walker......and Lawrence Guy. Then Kapron Lewis-Moore, Brent Urban. Seems a little weak to me.
  17. Hey man...Suggs is a 2 time winner of the Ravens King Ugly contest. Nobody has ever won that twice.
  18. Watch 15 amazing minutes of creation by this Barcelona street spray paint artist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=8K08yOZ2X00
  19. This guy is just trouble and one big headache.
  20. Peyton told Elway is in great shape and ready to go. No "This is great news!" statement issued by Bronco's Front Office.
  21. Happy Birthday OTR! It's been great sharing the boards with you all these years and watching you grow from a fledgling troll...
  22. Then the Saints are stupid. QB is the least of their needs.
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