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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. That's better than "Here We are"... which became "And There They Go"
  2. Great press coverage for the Ravens. Way to get your name out there!
  3. Spoke too soon... Ravens cornerback Jimmy Smith arrested, charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct
  4. Lot of real upstanding men on this team. Did you read the article on Urschel? Math scholar.. bachelors and Masters in math.....4.o GPA.... http://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/ravens/bs-sp-ravens-john-urschel-0713-20140712,0,6888120.story
  5. I was told 2 weeks....didn't get mine today. Do they have a season "theme" on them?
  6. Close...he's doing things they are not wanting you to know.
  7. I agree.That will be the most watched unit. Kubiaks offense will not work without good O line play.
  8. They have run out of things to write about. Torry for AJ and his fat contract? If Torry Smith broke a leg and Steve Smith gets hooked on heroin and Pita goes down again...then yea....maybe I can see it. What they did was see AJ....then thought Kubiak....then a made up bullshit first sentence about the Ravens not being happy with the receivers they have....and then they end with saying their idea wouldn't be a good idea....so this won't happen. Sorry you can't see through this bs.
  9. This gets uglier by the minute.
  10. Hensley thinks it's Flacco... I agree to a point. The Ravens seem headed back in the direction of a strong defense and Special Teams is solid. With that combo, Joe just has to be Joe and they make the playoffs every year. He has to play at a higher level to get to and win another SB....and he's shown that he can do that.
  11. That is one stupid suggestion by whoever wrote it. They shouldn't be writing about football.
  12. vmax


    I was cutting and pasting as a young lad...long before there were computers.
  13. There will probably be a bunch of these preseason predictions so we can put them on this thread.
  14. Ray Rice has to revive his career. That, to me, means he's on his way down. I also believe he can revive his career and have a great season if Kubiak uses him right. It's hard for me to be a Ray Rice fan after his off the field behavior but I'm trying. I flat out loved the guy as a player with heart and as a good power of example off the field before this. Everybody has a moment or 2 of behavior they would like to take back...hell...I might have a decades worth.. The offense used to run through him. Now the Ravens can't rely on that. Hopefully at some point they will find out that they can count on Ray again. They'll know before we do.
  15. and don't blow out your eyes!!!! You'll need them to watch Ravens football....
  16. Whod'a thunk?..... 1 up on Toronto. 3 1/2 on the Stankies. 8 on Boston. Hell Yea!!!!!!!!!!
  17. and God Bless America!.... 3 day Weekend!!!!!
  18. Just one big happy family!
  19. Duh! Of course it will by by committee until they find their feature back.
  20. I shoot for the 5 year deal. He has nothing more to prove....but he's smart, and I bet he goes for 3 years and another chance at big money.
  21. Spot on here....
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