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ExtremeRavens: The Sanctuary


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Everything posted by vmax

  1. It's a selfish act. The Ravens spent a lot of time and money developing this guy and they can't use him. I hope the "Next Man Up" does a good enough job that the Ravens say "So long."
  2. 4-0 O's 1st inning.....O's hauranging Haurang. Jones 3 run double....Tillman off to a good start.
  3. Joe sounds very confident here... like he says...the same job and results will come only it will look different.
  4. White or black...whoever uses that word should be disciplined. It is not ok to use by anyone to anyone.
  5. You know....only the best organization in the NFL could do somethig like that.
  6. vmax

    Ed Dickson

    From Preston...
  7. Looks like the Ravens burried the competition.
  8. This is a good report with alot of news... He's just has that uncanny knack to be around the ball and plays. He's a keeper!
  9. So...I'm having lunch with my brother at a restaurant and I say, "When my attourney presents these infedelity papers that I have in my briefcase, a bomb will go off in my exwifes case." A waitress passing by hears..."I have in my briefcase a bomb" She runs and calls the police and tells them their is a man at her table who she heard say their was a bomb in his briefcase...and I think he said it will go off......in somebodies face!" The SWAT Team shows up....
  10. The assumption here is that Pita is stupid...and not an educated grown man with a wife and family. He's not going to talk this over with his wife,agent, family, accountant ect... weigh the pros and cons with them....really think this through. No! He's just going to do what Joe tells him to do. Now Joe's destroyed that families future and his team mates know it and are gossiping behind his back. Soon....this will tear the team apart as some players turn on Joe. You read it here first.
  11. Our O's are not doing too well....feeling down right now on this.
  12. You got it RavenMad....Josh Bynes!
  13. Oh yea...here we go....
  14. Recent trivia question. Who made the final tackle in this years Super Bowl?
  15. Who's their #1 and #2 security blanket?
  16. You mean he'll "lead the young lions to a feast?"
  17. I was a big Williams fan too. Once he caught a ball he immediately found the best running lanes. Don't know why he didn't make it either. Here's the Ravens WR core challenge: One guy has to set forward and grab this bull by the horns The coaches have to train their best candidates to do this....maybe a playmaker emerges.
  18. He's the most likely candidate to fill in the roles Boldin and Pita had... He has the size and hands...now he needs the confidence...and nasty attitude. Remember....he's in his 3rd year and a lot of WR's break out their 3rd year.
  19. Give the Polak a break crav....he'll develop into an offensive weapon...give him time.
  20. HAha! Good ones!
  21. Way too early to tell. I'll wait till the off season.
  22. She's on NFL Network now but you know her from WBFFTV Fox45... Insane story from Peter King....
  23. From Peter King...hehe...
  24. We're getting some closure here...looks like he'll have a career after all....
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